
Thursday 27 August 2015

Dream of 'Fork, Eye and Triangle'

An anonymous person posted on-line that they had a dream of a 'Fork passing through an eye in a triangle'. Whether they had that dream is a different question and where it was posted as now removed it. However, this would be my interpretation of such a dream, that includes the three symbols.

Spirit communicate in symbology sometimes, for your learning, and comprehension of it, and sometimes it is to compel you to seek out people who understand the symbology, to teach you what it means. If you comprehend symbology is can often be given in business as well, as I was also given logo designs in massive visions of the symbology that appeared before me.

To dream of a 'Fork' can indicate that you will be faced with an important decision to make about where you are going in your life, and the decision that you make, will impact on your future. A triangle is to do with the sound of tubular bells and it indicates new beneficial conditions and opportunities which you would do well to encourage, and maximise to your advantage.

To see a triangle in a dream is a good omen for your life. Listen to your life and the sounds that you hear and see. Listen carefully see what life is showing you. As the breath is in the triangle - the sound is tubular. Take up your instrument of choice, go forth. Pick up the tuning forks, learn about the vibrations for healing the instruments of the people. Sound is your direction in healing.

To dream of an eye indicates a beneficial change in your life enabling you to see the direction that you are to go in and you will find sincere love once you go through the triangle of love and come through the other side of it.

If the eye that you saw was blue, it indicates a new friendship, and sincere love will come if you follow what is being shown to you in your dream that included an eye.

The eye can be representative of the eyes and so I would recommend that you take care of your eyes and make sure that you have the correct sounds and nutrients for the eyes. Ensure that you look at the good things in life, and look at life in a good way. The light of love of life that has an incredible and powerful sound. I was once given a tubular shape for a logo divinely, and this is it. It was huge when it was presented to yours truly.

The AS for Academy Sounds, it was the choice made by Ha'Shem. He gave the colour and the design, I just had to align with his will and make sure that it happened as he had shown it to me. It took a lot of effort for the designers to get the logo as close to what had been shown to me. In fact, two different companies had a go at it. I was happy with the finished design, and I could see the profound message in the logo of Father and Son.

The eye can also be symbolic of the third eye, and it can indicate that this will open for up you on a different level of being once you engage with the sounds that the dream indicates. Food is also important due to the eyes being dependent on the right vibrational frequencies and nutrients for good health. Of course, music instruments are also wonderful for helping the crops to grow as it was found that the crops respond fantastically to the vibration of sound and music.

The tubular triangle is like the intestines, be conscious of what food you eat, remember your bones hold liquid, be mindful of the liquidity of your life, and how you nurture it for good health or yourself and others.

'Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body, you were called to peace. And be thankful'. Colossians 3:15 

The sacral bone is in the shape of the triangle, learn about this triangular bone, learn about the power of it and its ability to protect and defend the originating DNA. Sound is an important aspect of your healing journey, and much will be revealed to you, if you go forth and trust it fully. give healing your heart. Give it the light of your eyes and go forth, arise in the sounds that can heal humanity with its light beyond measure.

You will be guided on the journey, if you make the right choices that are shown to you. Be the love that you were born to be, be the light of healing, be the vibration, the sound and the music to the ears that await for your arrival.

As Ha'Shem said, 'Yoshofar'.

Yoshofar (c)

So what is on the menu today?

Oats, fruit, seeds, honey, fresh lemon juice, Yoshofar beetroot sauce, and yoghurt. My special yoshofar breakfast in Elul.

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