
Sunday 16 August 2015


After a South African friend passed over in North America, he showed me his left foot and it was black. He shared that he had decided that when he comes back, he will be a 'Black Foot Indian'. Michael always did like being a warrior to defend, offering that hedge of protection.

In his recent life on the planet he defended African-Americans, Israel and yours truly, in his next life he will defend the Native Americans and the natural resources of the land. 

May Michael be blessed with many children that he taught in universities, during his previous incarnation with North Americans. For sure he will always remember the Lotus Feet and our time shared together in North America. 

I will spread paint for Michael for his life as a 'Black Foot Indian' as a blessing on his life to come. I know that he would like that, he always liked everything that I wrote, did and do. He used to say that it was vitamins for his soul. Michael will always be covered in feathers with my love beyond measure. Proverbs 10:12. Its no coincidence that 10+12 = 22!

Prophet Isaiah predicted that the day would come when people would live for 120 years again in a healthy way. It will become known the importance of the fact that the spiritual kingdom was created before man, and that in some cases there is a major spiritual significance to what happens in health due to spiritual realities that have to be, and can be healed.

Prophet Isaiah predicted that no longer would children die when they were only a couple of days old, he knew the power of healing, and what had to be done to ensure long life is healthy for everyone.

Carl Jung also understood the rite of passage after he had studied many different ancient philosophies and texts. He came to the same conclusions that many mystics did naturally, prior to reading any texts. Carl Jung understood some of the initiations of life, although it is clear from his writings and artistic works, he was still to comprehend the impact that WW2 had on his spiritual being and consciousness on a spiritual level.

Jung was a man ahead of his time as far as I am concerned, although he also had the humility to accept that he would've known so much more at an earlier age, if he had studied mysticism instead of psychology as it was being taught in those days, and still is today. Jung stood against psychiatry, he stood against the pharmaceutical industry, in the best way that the knew how at that time.

A spiritual woman also did her utmost to help Carl Jung, although its clear from the writings that her light triggered him - while she was trying to help him to make a breakthrough with his work. When that happens - a spiritual woman usually step back, and allows man to come to his own conclusions of why she did so.

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