
Friday 17 July 2015

Wood Flour Mill Explosion

In the BBC news there has been a major explosion at the 'Wood Flour Mills'. In fact, it is written that there were three explosions at a wood treatment works near Macclesfield. Wood Flour Mills on Tunstall Road, Bosley. at 09.10 BST with large fires breaking out, the fire service said. They think that four people are thought to be trapped and four people have been taken to hospital. A 29 year old woman as been involved and has serious burns, injuries to head, face, arms and chest. She was taken by ambulance to Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham.

29 is the numeric of 'Grace under pressure'.

And I heard an ambulance the day that I received the McCoy visions that showed us what was coming.

Thursday there was the event in the USA as predicted and now in the UK.

The day of the McCoy visions I heard the birds singing, then today a man posted that he had received a dream of a bird that he tried to photograph. Then I received an email from a friend that tells me that a budgie has arrived in her garden.

I said, it was probably a message from her dad that has passed over recently, although mum had a budgie when she was young, it used to sit on her knitting needle - and my friends mum likes to knit for little babies in Africa.

Its all happening, ain't it!

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