
Wednesday 22 July 2015


I've been sharing an interesting reality, that I found myself in. If a woman got very close to me - and if after a long time of knowing that person, I called that person 'sister', circumstances were created whereby, they were rapidly removed from my life.

Its like the word 'sister' was the same as when saying the word 'Jesus' and people are sucked out of your plane of existence at such a great force. When you see it happen at nighttime in your bedroom, it  looks like that person being pulled out of a aeroplane backwards. It also happened when I raised my right arm to an orthodox Christian man from America.

I came to the conclusion that the word 'sister' is incredibly powerful, and wondered why that is the case. I am aware of the shortening of the last days of the end times for the sake of the spiritually elect, and that was emphasised even more; when I was measured and found to be two inches shorter than I once was.

So I looked at the word in Strongs Hebrew and in Strongs Greek. Greek Strongs 79 adelphe. 

Bible hub share various verses that relate to the word 'sister' that show you its various meanings; from coming from the same womb. Respecting the sisters of Christ, connected due to where you are coming from spiritually, and with a person that is especially dear to you.


However, if we look at the Greek realities connected with it - we find it relates to delivering prophecies, priestesses, an Island and a mountain. So a greater criteria for its definition.

Then today, I saw a video from an orthodox Christian that was sharing words that she said that she had received from Jesus. Knowing him as I do, I know that he is a man of few words, very profound words. In my extensive experience of him, he is absolutely brilliant at 'one-liners', whereby his words have more than one layer of meaning.

As he said, 'The workers are few'. After I had written that, I was given the smell of cinnamon in response to the woman's video. Health wise, cinnamon is very good for you to eat and it would probably be good for her husband, who she said was suffering.

However, biblically it has a different context - in relation to what that Christian woman was doing. As such, it was confirmation of what I know to be true in my heart; in respect of what he does say and what he doesn't say. Remember the collected sayings! Proverb 7 then provides a link between the word 'sister' and the word 'cinnamon' and it is a message for a male about different women.

'Say to wisdom you are my sister, and to insight you are my relative'. Pro 7:4 As such, you cannot refer to a person as a 'sister' unless they meet the criteria that has been outlined - or they will be taken quickly out of your life. So if you are OK with that, try it and see what happens. 'The one that gets wisdom loves life, and the one that cherishes understanding will soon prosper'.  Proverbs 19:8.

It is being shared with me that 'It has to be done proper'. 

Proper is an interesting word, and the Son of God is certainly proper in everything that he says and does. In the Psalms the word 'proper' is to do with the timing and of the giving of food. The giving of food is also to do with the 'Virtuous Woman', the 'Woman of Noble Character' in Proverbs 31. Reviewed in the previous blog post.

Although in the NT Jesus speaks of the fact that John the Baptist didn't bring the bread or the wine as my previous post on the 'Melchizedek Bread and Wine' conveys.

Also in the Proverbs the LORD gives the 'proper' answer and works everything out to its 'proper' end. Proverb 16. In Ecclesiastes it relates to a 'wise heart', 'timing', 'place' and 'procedure'. In the book of Matthew, Jesus says, 'Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfil all righteousness' Matthew  3:15.

Surely, the arm of the LORD is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. Isaiah 59:1

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