
Thursday 23 July 2015

Remember Shakti Lotus Feet


23rd July, 2015. 

23rd July is the 'Day of Resolution' 

In 2015 - the 'Year of Generous' 

Matthew 20:15 

Check out the latest planetary configurations from Robert Wilkinson 

Mercury direct is really good for positive communications, so we can anticipate a response from the communications industries and those that have worked in those industries. Many messages being brought forth in a great way. 

I noticed when reading peoples comments on news websites that people are really shining their light of humour in response to the media. It was really good to see it happening and it made me smile. So make the most of it between now the 30th September, 2015 as the planetary energies are with you to make a powerful difference in the world in which you inhabit. 

Make a difference in your life and the lives of others; wherever you can, and when you can, to raise up the vibration of the planet. Be as positive as you can, be as loving as you can be. For the greater the love that you have become, the greater the causes that you are given. 

The light of laughter is great medicine for these last days of the end times; and these days are being shortened for the sake of the spiritually elect. As the old heaven and earth is passing away with the 'old order', so too when there is nothing left but your heart that is compelled by love beyond measure, if you have been true to your heart and to God, for sure you will have love and laughter in your life and heart of it, and laughter is great for healing that which you may not like. 

So manifest your opportunities that are being shown to you now, for the great light of God is shinning upon you. Remember Psalm 99 and Zion for this September we will celebrate the everlasting covenant for the children that was bestowed on the 9th September, 2007. We shall do the will of God and honour the anniversary as he asked us to do, with love beyond measure in our hearts for the children. Let the children be our focus with the utmost attention and purest intentions. 

Let it be a day of resolutions for the many, for many to see the light of love and how generous that love as been for the glory of God. The light and laughter of God is with you to support you - and encourage you to allow your spirituality to blossom in your hearts, minds and in everything that you do in pure intention.

Remember this, Jerusalem was her wedding song - a song that travelled with her throughout her life as ordained by God, for his righteous arm to be shown to those that deserved to see it, and be healed by it. Cut not the flesh unless it is absolutely essential to save a life. 

Sow to the Spirit and the Spirit will sow to you. Lotus Feet describes her nature of enlightenment and the Son of God who bestowed the name in 2007, predicted that wisdom would be proven correct by her words and actions. It is written and it is recorded - it is history in the making now as we move forward together to the next phase of the journey and life. As many of you have been prepared for great things ahead of you, and the new life that manifests in the most wonderful creative way.

Healing can be very creative when laughter is combined with it, joyous laughter, uplifting laughter, when you have real joy in your hearts. Liberate your love with laughter, let laughter liberate you about anything that might concern you in these last days - for the end is near for those that stand against this holy Spirit of all mercy and compassionate action.

The LORD did not ask for 'sacrifice' he asked for mercy. So be merciful as much as you possibly can be, and lead the way to fresh starts and new beginnings for the many in an environment that is created with love beyond measure. With loving hands in everything that you do, say and think. Your thoughts are precious, they impact on you, energy follows thought is true. However, be extra aware of your intentions and where you are coming from. Write your loving poetry from the Spirit of your hearts, for your poetry impacts upon your anatomy.

Making wonderful sounds that heal humanity - and give to the many - for what everyone deserves - is to be loved from inside of the womb - so that an incredible new birth of humanity can happen with a bundle of joy that arrives into your hands.

Souls are fragile like a butterfly or a flower in your hand, that is presented to you for healing, be kindness itself to every soul that you meet, and the Spirit to which you sow, will be kindness and merciful to you. For the light of love is all powerful - and nothing can compare with it - when it is in harmony with the divine plan.

Love life, and it loves you right back! 

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