
Thursday 9 July 2015

Rastafari New Year 2015

After we were discussing the 'Star of David' it's origins and how David understood the importance of it and daughter Zion. The LORD said, 'Rastafari' and Bob Marley brought out a song called 'Zion Train'. That is also interesting as the 'McCoy' message received brought forth Elijah McCoy that moved to Canada. He brought forth many inventions that included inventions for trains.

In 1997, it is written that were over million 'Rastafari' in the world. 

So is anything happening in September with the Rastafari? 

It is their New Year. 

The book of Genesis mentions "Joseph is a fruitful vine, a fruitful vine near a spring, whose branches climb over a wall. 49:22. Micah 4 also gave a prediction about the timeline of daughter Zion. 

'Everyone will sit under their own vine and under their own fig tree, and no on will make them afraid, for the LORD Almighty has spoken. All the nations may walk in the name of their gods, but we will walk in the name of the LORD our God forever and ever.' 

Some write that Jesus was the vine but how could that be if the vine did not wish to be king? We know that Jesus liked his wine, and Judges 9:13 shares with you about the vine. 'Should I give up my wine, which cheers both gods and humans, to hold sway over trees?'. The Son of Joseph didn't give up his wine either - so why would his daughter?

Why would I even consider giving up mysticism? 

Now the Jewish people poured out the wine for Elijah, but some poured out water. Elijah drank the wine with the Israeli's so they knew that I had no wish to be sovereign over them. In the book of John Jesus says, 'I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch in me that does bear fruit he prunes, so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word that I have spoken to you'. 

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my 
name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I 
have said to you. John 14:26 

After I responded to an American post on the 9th July, 2015. 

The heavenly Father spoke and he said, 

'For surely as I stand, they shall not by-pass you'. 


The 'Rastafari', the 'Muslims' and some 'Indians' and 'Chinese' etc - 

advise spiritual people not to drink. Jesus drank wine, 
so did the Son of Joseph. 

The Son of Joseph introduced his daughter to wine when he could 
afford to do so. His children were allowed to drink a little wine with 
dinner sometimes - and this meant that the family of Joseph did not 
wish to be sovereign over anyone else. 

Do you see what we have done for the glory of God? 

Sheer awesomeness! 

As the LORD said, 'By the time they find out what we have done,
it will be too late for them to change it'.

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