
Thursday 9 July 2015

Nigel Farage on Form EU

The awesomeness of Nigel Farage - he's back on form again in the EU parliament. Yes, he's the man of the people - he likes a drink like Jesus.Great flag, the flag of Greece.

The countdown in Europe began in 2010 and people had a year to make the correct choice. Nigel tells Alexis from Greece to hold your head high - and lead your people out of the Eurozone. That is the truth, smash those EURO printing plates Greece. Have a new currency for a fresh start and a new beginning. NO to a federal Europe, as Maggie Thatcher said, 'They'd like to make the poor - poorer.'

Alexis looked quite touched and moved by the truth shared in Nigel's speech. One of the greatest speech's that he has ever given. What a bonus Nigel has been for the UK and Greece - to have such a man to defend the people. 

News today is that Greece announced that it has agreed with Russia to build a pipeline and its worth 2billion. However, remember this that the Saudi's have also given billions to Russia for Russian projects, so how much oil do Saudi have left? Remember this, those that do not drink, would like to be sovereign over you. Just like Turkey would like to be sovereign over Greece and Cyprus who like a drink! And the Aga Khan speaks of 'Cosmopolitan' and that everything requires an organisation.

What for? the 'Fatima Empire'. Remember what happened when Clinton was doing high 5's in Turkey, and the top military brass resigned afterwards? They refused to do the bidding of the USA! The same American commanded NATO that pushed for war against Libya!

Remember this WW2 never ended, it just went underground, to rear its head again! How many English people know that the UK were still making payments to Germany and Iran during the Gordon Brown reign?

Money from your purse to rebuild those countries - remember how money from your purse paid for the war against Libya? Remember that Goldman Sachs in the USA, were involved in Greece and Libya!

Libya, a country that gave free education, homes, and medical care to its people from its natural resources that was shared in wonderful ways. Jesus didn't mind that people had wealth, as long as they spent it properly, helping the people and his healers to help the people. Yes, he is hot with me as I am writing this. His love beyond measure is all powerful.

This Newsweek article about the history of Greece; from the Ottoman empire to the EU is worth a read to appreciate the sheer amount of 'trauma' this country has experienced. Seriously, tourism was its brightest hope - and their agriculture could feed the tourists and its people, had it stayed out of the EU.

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