
Friday 24 July 2015

Lafayette Shooting Predicted

In the McCoy Visions it was predicted that there would be an event in America at an entertainment venue like a cinema, and to stay away from entertainment venues. Of course that included theatres. There is now news that there as been a shooting at the Lafayette movie theatre. 'Clay Henry is vice president of operations for Acadian Ambulance. He told the Associated Press that 10 people all together were shot and eight were brought to hospital'. 

McCoy Visions 

When will people listen and do the will of the heavenly Father ? 

The LORD did not ask for 'sacrifice' he asked for mercy. 

The other case of Sandra Bland has touched my heart deeply. Another story of 'police brutality' that is carried out to get a conviction. A human rights activist that was standing up for her human rights. 

Human rights activists alert, there is an APP that Amnesty International have developed, a panic button that can bring you help quickly. Be aware and be alert - that they have been targeting people for a long time, and it includes journalists and holistic doctors. 

If you look at the mugshot of Sandra Bland, she was absolutely, and totally 'traumatised' by what happened to her that day. Prior to being stopped for not indicating, she was excited that she had been given a new job, and was about to start a new life, doing what she loved doing, defending social justice and human rights. Sandra was just 28 years old, and 28 is the numeric of the lamb, in this year of 2015. 

As Jesus said, 'They failed'. 

What else did Jesus say? ''But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say, or how to say it. At that time you will given what to say. Matthew 10:19 So who will defend the human rights of Sandra Bland? Who will ensure that justice is done in the name of MERCY. For as Jesus said, 'You can do it with grace'. Remember this ZION defends the 'oppressed'. Now read Psalm 99.

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