
Saturday 11 July 2015

Islands Stream

Interesting in the book of Exodus, after the hand had been stretched out over the streams, the frogs came up. Do you remember the biblical plague of frogs that appeared in Greece? It was 2010, wasn't it? Job mentions the streams of olive oil, 29:6. 'When my path was drenched with cream, and the rock poured out for me streams of olive oil'. Did you wear cream prior to the first mission to Israel in 2006? 'You care for the land and water it. You enrich it abundantly. The streams of God are filled with water'. 

'There is a river whose streams makes glad the city of God, the holy place where the most High dwells'. Psalm 46:4 'The words of the mouth are deep waters, but the fountain of wisdom is the sound of a rushing stream' Psalm 18:4 

Prophet Isaiah predicted what would happen after 9/11 when the towers came down. 'Streams of water will flow on every high mountain and every lofty hill'. Isaiah 30:25 

I ask the nations what can live without the sacred water of the divine feminine? What can live without the fountain of wisdom? For even Jesus himself was corrected by a woman - and so he did predict that a woman would come. This calls for a mind of wisdom was predicted - and that wisdom will be proven right by her words and deeds. Wisdom with insight was given to many that could be entrusted with it. Love did not remain hidden and many were corrected.

Remember this that in 2006,  Jesus gave divine counsel, not to let the left hand know what the right hand was doing. Some spiritual people are coming to realise that they cannot perch in more than one tree at once, and that they have to decide what tree they're going to sit in.

Do they choose the tree of life, do they choose the victors crown of life - so that they can live fully in the freedom that the true spiritual law brings? Many in the Islands were silent before me - as was predicted that they would be in the prophecies.

However, in the silence - they heard every word that was spoken and written, the sound of the stream just kept on coming and coming. Nothing could stop the water of the divine feminine flowing towards those that were worthy of it. Those that honoured it received much - and they knew that much would be asked of them. 

The second watch of spiritual people from the galilee of the gentiles in the 20th century are preparing for retirement - if that was ever possible, once on a mission from God, always on a mission from God in different timelines and realities.

The third watch have been ready for a long time - doing their best with the utmost attention and purest intentions. The new spiritual elders will emerge stronger than ever before - guiding the younger generations - at the same time as helping their own generation and older generations. Its wonderful when you have four generations in a healing room together. Very powerful.

As Jesus predicted it, if it came with the second or third watch, humanity would be blessed.

'Therefore in the East give glory to the LORD, exalt the name of the LORD, the God of Israel, in the Islands of the sea'. Isaiah 24:15 'In his teaching the Islands will put their hope'. Isaiah 42:4 they sure did. Isaiah 51:5 'The Islands will look to me, and wait in hope for my arm'.

I spoke yesterday to a woman that phoned wisdom back - and I could hear their joyous excitement in their voices in the office, that I was coming to see them. 'The one who gets wisdom loves life, and the one that cherishes understanding will soon prosper'. Proverbs 19:8

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