
Sunday 19 July 2015

Black Water Dream

In the night I had a dream and I was in what looked countrified, there was a large square that had been created in the earth, and it was filled with water, the water was black.

There was another couple in the dream and we were discussing what created it, and the colour of the water. Then we were swimming in it and still discussing it. I was asking what was in it, what was in the water to make it that colour. And if people swam in it - would it be harmful to them? Its like my own body was the laboratory to see if it was safe.

In dream interpretation, the colour black is an unfavourable omen, and this dream is an ecological dream.

I have dreamt of 'Black Water' before, many years ago. It looks like the time is coming nearer.

However, 'Black Water' is also associated with the military, and what some of the American military did in the Middle East to innocent people. It was in the news in April that they had been charged and sentenced in a court of law.


Although there is also another reality, in 1915 a painting was done by an artist, and 1915 was the year of the Armenian genocide. 2015 is the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide by the Turks. In the self-portrait in the 'Black Square', the artist looks just the Greek Alexis, PM.

The artist Malevich, born in Ukraine of Polish descent. (1879-1935). The Guardian share with us that he grew up amid the vast expanse of Ukraine's sugar fields, his father was a manager of sugar refineries. We all know what the Native Americans were given don't we? Sugar!

Malevich's shorthand sketches for a stage curtain also shows a square, divided in two by a diagonal line. "That drawing," he announced in 1915, "will have great significance for painting. That which was done unconsciously, now bears extraordinary fruit".

Clearly, he was another artist, that did not know the importance of the fruit - and that which bore fruit wasn't about the art as in painting. Although the fruit of the lips can inspire people to spread the paint. To comprehend the fruit, you have to understand the lips - and what the lips communicate e.g the word of God, the fruit of the Spirit.

These are the paintings that I received in 2013 for Athens, and it clearly delivered a warning to Greece.

ATHENS 2013 

In the second painting of the golden swan going head-to-head with the brown fish, you can see that while she was going head-to-head with him, some of the younger ones were leaving to be under the wing of of the golden swan. They knew what was coming upon the cities as they had been warned in advance.

Even while you sleep among the sheep pens, the wings of my dove are sheathed with silver, its feathers with shining gold.” Psalm 68:13

The painting in Russia done by Kasimir Malevich was about 'Victory over the Sun' and in this Greek square in Athens a huge sculpture was erected and it is about Greek mythology.

Protestors had protested against that sculpture due to what it represents symbolically to the Greek people. It indicated that man had flown to close to the sun and his wings got burnt. It predicted that Greece would be defeated and I asked, who designed it, and who paid for that to be placed in that location? In that green space there is also water, and willow trees. The willow trees are also mentioned in the bible for this timeline, and the American Jewish composer for the music WILLOW passed over recently in a plane crash. Just like the sculpture predicted.

Look at this video, you will see 'Black Squares'.

As we know Greece is on fire, Athens, Southern Greece and the Island of Evia, the Island where Athenians have started an eco-village. The French were sending planes to help Greece to put out the fires in Greece. So let us add the blessed Sophia photograph taken at Athens airport for Greece to have the energy of wisdom in their hearts.

Now read Psalm 122 and read about those that seek prosperity, it wasn't financial prosperity par se, they were seeking, it was prosperity of Spirit by the one that sowed to the Spirit. For the more that a person sowed to the Spirit, the more the Spirit sows to you.


'He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge. His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart'. Psalm 91:4 Were you covered in feathers? I was covered in feathers many times during my life, real feathers, I even had an antique feather cape.

A feather arrived on my front lawn the other day, I knew that it was divine providence. It looked just like the feather from a goose - and that reminded me of Archangel Gabriel and what he said to yours truly. 'Men like to eat meat everyday, and you are perceived as a goose'. In England, goose was a speciality, although those that could afford it, ate it at Christmas prior to the Turkey arriving. 

So I asked the people - shall we give goose to people for Christmas this year?


I think we may have found what could create what I saw in the dream of the square black hole in the earth. They found that a meteorite from Mars is Water-Rich and the scientists called it 'Black Beauty'.

The space rock that they found previously was found in Morocco's Sahara Desert in 2011 and it weighed 11 oz's. 320g. It contains ten times more water than other Martian meteorites that they have found. The scientists say that it is the size of a fist. Interesting that it arrived in Morocco, an Islamic country.

So is there a bigger one coming? Could be so.


  1. Makes you wonder what is going on at Fens Pools in the UK. Special Scientific Interest. Apparently a man jumped into a pool and that was the end of him.

  2. Demi Moore - Child that was working for her passed in the pool. May he rest in peace.
