
Monday 22 June 2015

ORANGES and Eternal Life

The message that I received when I woke up this morning was 'ORANGES'. I can also confirm that the juice from the pineapple skins mixed with freshly squeezed orange juice was very powerful. So I do recommend it for the compound that the pineapple skins hold. Especially if you have issues with the back or limbs - I didn't have to drink much of it - just a little and I have seen the difference it has made. So now the body is ready for oranges on their own today for health.

'Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For him God the Father has placed his seal of approval." John 6:27. I have a strong connection with the oranges and they remind me of the Archangel Michael and our work together.

He taught us wonderful spiritual concepts during the Rev 12 timeline that was shared with those that were brought to my gates. In the verse of John it mentions the food that endures to eternal life, and I wrote about eternal life today after I received the message about the oranges. Eternal life means that after a person has left the planet - they will still be able to heal the people and the work is far greater than what is achieved while on the planet itself.

Jesus and his mother are pure examples of eternal life and who they still appear to people and speak to us. The healing and divine guidance that continued. 'Now this is eternal life that they know you', John 17:3. In the book of Matthew it mentions the discussion that Jesus had with the rich man that wished to be taught by him and how Jesus told him that he had to be willing to give his wealth to the poor. Matthew 19:16. Only then was Jesus willing to take him under his wing to teach him to become a healer in his name - and in so doing to lead the man home to the heavenly Father.

However - there were some wealthy Jewish people that helped his healers that were worthy to be helped. And that is why he told his healers to find a person that is worthy of the healers. This enabled one to become a thousand in the same way that I helped one to become a thousand healers during the 90's timeline.

I did invest some of my own money into the work of the healers that had been given by God, I had prospered in love - and had some to invest in the healers that were doing the will of God. For they were worthy to receive my creative time - effort and resources. I couldn't afford to invest a lot in terms of investment of money -  as I was still a single parent mother bringing up a child alone.

However, I invested everything that I could - and I did my best as compelled by God to do so. I had been called and was told that I had been chosen for my integrity.

It was sheer tenacity - and time investment in the worthy healers and their work that really made the difference. Investment in time that enabled us to tour exhibitions together and to fill their training courses.  We all prospered in love, for all was given in love beyond measure. Psalm 122.

During that time period - I only had one weekend off in four to spend with my son. At this point he was at secondary school and that is often the time that people are called for their first spiritual mission - and your heart is compelled to put your heart and effort into a higher cause. Many are called and few are chosen is true. Depending on how successful you are with your first mission depends upon what happens next.

I worked three evenings a week as well as five days a week full-time prior to leaving for Australia. In addition to carrying on with charitable projects and having a social life. Life was always on the go and it was a time of rapid spiritual growth - advancement and opening up. 'The righteous to eternal life' Matthew 25:46. The righteous live in harmonic concordance with the spiritual law. "Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life'. John 5:24. When you have received the seal of approval - you certainly know about it - life experience counts!

Now if you look at the USA it looks like Florida has experienced what they call 'Citrus Greening' since at least 2005. Not a good sign for Florida and its trees due to what they've done and are doing. 

This article is from 2013. 

If I think of oranges in connection with countries, I think of Spain and Greece. I have lovely memories of walking in the orange groves in Spain - such a beautiful sweet smell. However - when I was a child - our oranges in the UK were mostly from South Africa. I just looked at the oranges that I have in the kitchen and they are from Valencia in Spain.

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