
Monday 4 May 2015

"Trauma" changes DNA

Took a look to see what author and cellular biologist Bruce Lipton is up to lately - and he had featured a link to some research that has been done in the UK: The article is dated the 29th April 2015 - and it is called 'Depression can physically change your DNA' and it is featured on Science Alert!

"Researchers from the UK have found evidence that 'depression' doesn't just change our brains - it can also alter our DNA and the way that our cells generate energy! A team from the Wellcome Trust for Human Genetics investigated the genomes of more than 11500 women - with the hopes of finding genes that might contribute to the risk of depression: But instead they stumbled across a signature of metabolic changes in their cells that appears to have been triggered by the disease"

Interesting that Wellcome are now researching what I was writing about 'Depression' in the 90's - takes those guys a long time to catch up doesn't it! Interesting that they refer to 'Depression' as a disease - rather than a health condition with a cause and or causes! Although they do mention in the article that 'trauma' is often the cause of it: The research concludes that 'Depression' is much more than a 'Mood Disorder' due to its ability to impact on cells: 

The article also shares with you that another team of researchers have found that 'trauma' also impacts on 'cellular aging' - and that can often be seen on the face of people! However - it can also be reversed - as I said to one of our practitioners -  she looks ten years younger than she did when I first met her! 

Sjogrens syndrome is another example of how 'trauma' can impact on the physiology of your body as it is usually 'trauma' that triggers it into action!  'Trauma' can come in all shapes and sizes - hence so many different health condition are the result of it - if is not treated appropriately and speedily!  

Currently - the medical profession are not equipped to help the people to heal it - and that is why so many people end up going to alternative practitioners - and complimentary therapists for help! However people have to be open to receiving the help that is available -  if you can afford to pay for it privately! 

So what about the people that can't afford it - what about the people that were not prepared for what was coming - what do the NHS have to say to those people - not a lot! 

I've already decided to tell the NHS what to do with their annual 'breast screening' that impacts on the endocrine system - no thank you! There comes a point in your life - when you have to keep on saying no to the NHS - there a comes a point in your life when your body says 'no more physical trauma' especially when it is co-created by a state institution - that is owned by the corporation that is happy to pump you with their pharmaceuticals! 

Recovery requires that you are in tune with your body - that you listen to your body - and what it is telling you on a daily basis: The human body has an amazing way of communicating with you - it has an incredible way of communicating what it requires from you - to assist the healing process of the dynamic self-healing system: 

Sometimes that means that you require help from healers and complimentary medicine practitioners - yes we can massage the self - but massage has a greater impact - if a therapeutic massage therapist does it for you: 

Touch - hands on - is incredibly important for the healing of the body - softness and caressing the body - letting the body know that you love it - and treat it with tender loving care! 

Only in being intuitive - and truly listening and understanding your physical being - can you assist the recovery of it! 

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