
Sunday 3 May 2015


On the 30th April 2015 I wrote of the whistle of the LORD that is heard clairaudiently and it is mentioned in Isaiah 5:26 - after the post was written the LORD spoke and he sometimes speaks to me in Hebrew - he said CHALUT - and in Hebrew it means 'Pioneer':

In the night I received the 'Crystal Children Dream' that included 'disabled children' and in the dream interpretation it mentions the 'puzzles' and the 'mysteries':

While bathing in the morning of the 1st May 2015 I saw a white bulldog puppy and that dog has been a mascot in England since WW2!

The word 'Pioneer' can be found in the English translation of Hebrews 12:2 although sometimes it is translated as 'author'

On the 2nd May - the pioneering author Ruth Rendell passed over - a Christian Socialist and passionate feminist: Her Swedish mother had passed over when she was young with MS - and it was due to my involvement with the charity that I first met Ruth in the 90's: She was a sober woman in her appearance - an upright - humanitarian Aquarian:

It is clear from the tributes that are flowing in that her writing inspired a genre in publishing - and it is written that she was more interested in why - than who: Ruth was asking people to consider the causes and that is how she was making her point to open their heart of conscience - about social justice in a manner that a pioneering creative writer can do! 

So might the American Christians consider how you are helping humanity to understand the people - like the children of Baltimore:

Ruth a Jewish name - Ruth that did what her uncle was not prepared to do - as recorded in scripture - Ruth that passed over on the Jewish sabbath! 

Ruth passed over on the 'Day of Observation' and the teachings of Archangel Michael included a discourse on 'Observation' that was distributed around the world by yours truly during the Rev 12 timeline: 

Earlier in the year - in March 2015 - Jesus gave me a dish of mashed buttered Swede and then we have a charitable woman that did what her heart compelled her to do: No coincidence then that Ruth was half Swedish and - or - that I was destined to meet her during my life on the planet! 

It was divine intervention that I picked up the newspaper that day - when the MS Society had placed a full page ad for volunteers to help the local branches! My heart was compelled to assist and continue with the fundraising work for the 'disabled' that had begun in the 80's - when wisdom was called to help the local branch of the Scope charity! 

And in Zechariah 12:10 it mentions the Spirit of Grace that was poured out on the house of David and Jerusalem:

Ruth was interested in psychology and it is written that she admitted to reading Freud and Jung - a writer that wrote for a living to help humanity: She was an activist that did her utmost to make an intervention:

Ruth a 20th century woman born in a war torn era - an era that birthed many feminists and Christian socialists due to what the men had done! 

Writing was her passion and so she put her fingers to work - it must have been hard work to write a book in the days of typewriters and yet - she wrote so many! There is also a prophecy about that in the bible - what transpired was for the glory of the LORD God and as it is written by this instrument - be noble in holiness! 

As the Son of God said 'You can do it with Grace'

On the 2nd May - the 'Day of Observation' in the 'Week of Manifestation' a Lady passed over in London England: 2015 is also the year of generous - as it aligns with Jesus speaking of generous in Luke 2015 - generous - charity and 2015 has been a charitable year to date!

On the same day a baby was birthed to the nation - another mascot for the nation - a little girl born a Taurus 1 in the Chinese Year of the Goat:

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of Ruth Rendell what else has happened


    Arab man in his 40's found dead at the Dorchester Hotel in Mayfair and there has been a light aircraft crash in Dundee!

    Its certainly hotting up in the lead up to the election in the UK
