
Sunday 24 May 2015

Samaritan Israelites Prophecy

The biblical prophecies predicted that the Israelites of Samaria will be rescued with only the head of a bed and a piece of fabric from a couch. Amos 3:12 the prophecy indicates how little that the true Israelite Samaritans have when they are rescued. 'As a shepherd rescues from the lion's mouth only two leg bones or a piece of ear'. Legs are symbolic of walking and the direction in which you are going - and the ear is symbolic of hearing as in clairaudience.

Were you rescued with only a bed and a fabric couch as I was - if you were then you are a true Israelite from the tribe of Joseph. When I left England for Australia it was decided to leave the bed and couch in storage - so when I returned to England at least I had that after the rescue took place: Something to sit on and something to sleep on - its no coincidence that I used to sit on that couch in my spiritual room in the house that we once owned.

The mountain was called 'Shomeron' and it was a location that had been assigned to the tribe of Joseph. The Samaritan's are called 'Shomronim' in Hebrew and a Samaritan Torah exists. A lot of people think of the 'Samaritan woman at the well' and the 'Parable of the Good Samaritan' when they think of that word 'Samaritan' - however there are other realities with the same name in England. Those realities include hospitals and help lines for those that are feeling 'suicidal'.

Some have translated the meaning of 'Shomeron' to mean the 'watch mountain' and Jesus also gave the parable of the 'watchtower' that is a prophecy about the last days of the end times. The parable is about the generations of the descendent's of Joseph - and what happened to them when they returned to reclaim that which was theirs. The first son was 'beaten' - the second son was 'killed' and the third son was 'stoned'.

After that the LORD sent his daughter and its no coincidence that it was a woman that gave water to Jesus at the well and as we know it is written that Jesus gave the parable of the good samaritan. He spoke of how a man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho and how he 'fell among the robbers - who both stripped him and beat him - leaving him half dead'. Does it remind you of what happened to Joseph with the coat of many colour's? Or how about Lazarus that was licked by the dog due to what had happened to him. The black dog certainly licked it when it was given to yours truly in dream state. As I have written I only have aces in my right hand.

Jesus spoke of how two people passed by on the other side and how it was a particular Samaritan that had travelled that came to the aid of the man. How the man was compelled by compassion in his merciful heart to help the man. The Samaritan came to him and bound up his wounds - pouring on both oil and wine. The man was given an animal - and taken to an inn where he could be taken care of. The next day when the Samaritan left - he gave the host in the inn two denarii to pay for what the man required. 

And said to him, 'Take care of him. Whatever you spend beyond that, I will repay you when I return.' Now which of these three do you think seemed to be a neighbour to him who fell among the robbers?' The man said, "He who showed mercy on him" then Jesus said to him, 'Go and do likewise". Luke 10:30-37

Its no coincidence that the year 2015 also links into Luke 20:15 when it speaks of Jesus being generous. 

It is also written that Jesus healed 'lepers' but there was only one that thanked him. What did thanking him mean - it meant living the truth of the rescue once you have experienced it. It meant sharing that truth of what he said - what he did and how he helped you to heal. It meant honoring him and what he did - how he achieved and accomplished it. The percentages show us that out of every person that is helped and healed - only one in ten will speak of your good works. Only one in ten will honor you. 

Last week my 32 year old son was carried to hospital after the 'Green Apple' dream, and it mentions it in the prophecy of Jonah of what God would do - I've made different posts on that reality. I wonder how many people walked by him as he laid unconscious in the street. He was still unconscious when he arrived at the hospital. Did two men walk by him before a third man helped him.

The great-grandson of Joseph. 

Interesting that the samaritans pray dressed in white in bare feet - as my feet have been bare most of the time since the onset of 'post traumatic arthritis' and there is a biblical prophecy that the LORD would save the 'lame'. Then there is the man dressed in a cloud as mentioned in Rev 10 - the man with a rainbow upon his head and the rainbow is to do with Joseph and the covenant with God.

No surprise then that Elijah has a connection with the location of Samaria.

When I was originally found on the circuit of the gentiles in the 90's - I was usually dressed in white with bare feet while l was serving those that were brought to me. That happened the other side of my son Jordan being born. Sometimes he came with me to the spiritual exhibitions - and he met many spiritual people who loved him. 

Prophet Isaiah was correct about Jordan - and that I would come from the West - as the West is the direction of the peacemakers. After the first mission to Israel in May 2006 - I was honored in Geneva as a 'Universal Peace Ambassador'.  

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