
Monday 25 May 2015

Divine Aromatherapy Massage

In April there was the 'Palm Oil' massage dream and this morning as I was coming back into awaking consciousness the gentle words of 'Aromatherapy Massage' were heard. So today is a massage day for the health of this body in divine guidance. A day of repose and relaxation.

'Wine that gladdens human hearts - oil to make their faces shine - and bread that sustains their hearts'. Psalm 104:15

The 25th of May is the 'Day of Boldness' 

So what's the latest 
Today is a holiday day in the UK

In numerics it is the 'Day of Boldness' 

When I woke up I was told that today is for 'Aromatherapy Massage' and that reminds me of the 'Palm Oil' massage dream received in April. When two women were giving a massage to a man. The links with the palm oil led to Marco. 

Do you know what oils that you require - remember Jesus and Elijah said make sure you've got plenty of oil.


Lotus Feet


'The greater the love that you are - the greater the causes that you are given' Lotus Feet - the Love Liberator. Spreading the love - spreading the colour with oils - essences - energy and foods for healing magnanimously - as Jesus said 'You can do it with Grace'. 

'Bare Feet Massage' 

The blessed children come. When I see the feet of Jesus they're always bare feet. The wine of the mystic Rose - the oil on the face today coconut oil. Jesus spoke of Lapis today and we can see Lapis in the 'Gem Elixirs' and the work of 'Gurudas'. Cayce said that this stone 'Lapis' creates a sense of strength - vitality and virility. It is a stone of true friendship. It is written that it helped people with 'inflammation' and specifically with the throat and communication. That is why it is often worn as a necklace - many were gifted by yours truly with Lapis and Gurudas wrote that it is a very potent cleanser.

The 'Blue Flag' flower essence and oil was also given to a person that was asking for some transformation on a physical level today.  When the book was opened the 'Blue Flag' flower was given - and it is associated with the 'Iris'. Nostradamus wrote about the age of Iris and he also used the iris flower for healing 'depression'. The person that was asking for transformation as work to do with 'birth psychology' and 'birth trauma'. 

The 'blue flag' oil is for people who feel 'low-spirited' and or 'easily discouraged'. They have work to do with people that have 'digestive' and 'skin' conditions and they have a connection with the poets of the nation. Prophecy - healing with oils and essences will become more prominent in their life - as they step forward with a new beginning. 

Plenty of rest - sleep and recovery. On waking the message received 'Skills On'. 

The blue energy in foods is also important and if you have any 'inflammation' in the body that could include 'high blood pressure' then I recommend the 'Beetroot' and its miraculous powers to heal. My blood pressure as always been normal - although the Beetroot and Fennel have been divinely given to aid the healing of 'Posttraumatic Arthritis' in the body. 

If and when the body has experienced 'physical trauma' the mechanisms of the body can turn against itself. So we have to do our utmost to help the body to return to healing the body in a natural and dynamic way. One of the ways that we can help the body to do that is with the healing foods. 

As the healing foods give vibrational frequency - energy and instructions to the body for the the healing process. The oils and essences also work on a vibrational level in the same way - and there are different healing foods - oils and essences for different health conditions and systems in the body. 

The leaves that are for healing the nations. This man looks just like the man that appeared in the 'Health Dream' and 'Healing Centre Dream'. He looks just like the man in the white robe as mentioned in Rev 10. Although the man that I saw had straight hair - he was so joyous. 

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