
Monday 4 May 2015

Charlotte Jews

Today began with the posting about the dream of Simon - and its the second time in recent days that the name Simon as come forth - as it is also the name of the son of Ruth Rendell the author - who passed over on the 2nd May:  2nd May was the 'Day of Observation' in the 'Week of Manifestation' so what does the name Simon have to do with the announcement of the name of the new baby in the UK:

Charlotte Elizabeth Diana - doesn't really roll off the tongue does it - and I did predict that the name would be Christian-Jewish: Also the LORD gave the word 'CHALUT' and it is very clear to me that the Hebrew word 'Chalut' that means pioneer is the root of the name Charlotte! As Lot is Lut!

The Jewish Library explain to us the connection between the name Simon and the Charlotte Jews and there is a Charlotte in the USA where German Jews resided:

Charlotte is also the name of a famous English author - Charlotte Bronte - and the baby arrived on the day that a well-known author passed over: The pioneer is mentioned in the book of Hebrews and sometimes the word is translated as 'author' - Ruth Rendell was half Swedish!

Charlotte was born a Taurus 1 in the Chinese Year of the Goat in 2015 - it is also the year of 'Generous' as mentioned in Luke 20:15 The best mandala for baby Charlotte is the mandala that was for Tiny due to the color pink and the feathers:

Her second name 'Elizabeth' is also a Jewish name in its origination and it is translated as either Elisheba or Elisheva: That also links into the appearance of the actress from the film Elizabeth - Golden Age that appeared before me as she did in the film various times - that was shared on our previous blog!

Diana means heavenly and divine and all children are from heaven and divine in my eyes:

The UK has been celebrating - and I could hear the fireworks going off last night - it was like New Years Eve - and a new birth is a bundle of infectious joy for the nation - as the nation now have another new mascot for England's team! A delightful little girl - and the Charlotte Jews were known for their charitable giving:

In some translations of the word 'Charlotte' it means 'Free Man' and true pioneers do have work to assist humanity to gain their freedom from the state institutions and its corporations that are co-creating trauma that changes DNA!

I was shown a vision of a puppy prior to her birth - so it is about the timeline of victory for the people:

So God bless to baby Charlotte - her baby brother George - and congratulations to her mum and dad!

The 4th of May is the 'Day of Support' and that aligns with the dream of Simon - as Simon was being very supportive during our chat!

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