
Wednesday 15 April 2015

Repose Prophecy

2015 as Jesus said a time of repose for yours truly - and the weather men today are predicting a heat wave for this Spring and a hot Summer - that would be wonderful for the health of this body: The water around the UK is also getting warmer and scientists predict that in the medium to long term the people will have to get used to the idea that there will be no more cod and chips - and that there will be squid instead!

The beauty of repose in a woman with gracefulness - in the acceptance of the changes that the planet is experiencing: I read this tonight and thought it was lovely - the repose of the soul - a treatise on the love of God - I was going to add it to the post on repose and I came across an old post that provides a prophecy that mentions the timeline of repose:

The prophecy was posted in August 2013 -  from the Nostradamus prophecy C1:Q97

Through repose, a dream, the King will be made to meditate'

The original post from August 2013 cross-references the prophecy with biblical prophecy:

We also find the repose in the arts and photography:

Today I woke up with a love song from Frank Sinatra and then the word 'Signor' was given:


  1. Interesting that a person in the internet community posted information about a dream that they said that they received the day after the above was posted on this blog! The dream that the American had is conveyed in Zechariah 14 so I posted the prophecies and what Jesus said about what could counteract it - as published in the teachings of the elect book 4 in the Gospel of Peace

    Interesting that the dream of the American woman was posted in the social network on the 15th of April and how they chose to define the dream - as the 15th of April is 'Day of Definition' in this year of 2015 that links into Luke 20:15 when Jesus spoke about 'generous'

    2015 is also a year of spiritual transformation

    It looks like those that stood against yours truly - are now going to receive dreams like I have received them in the past to give the warnings to the people:

    For I am being given this time in repose and tranquility of the peace that is self-sustainable:

    The sky is blue and the sun is shinning brightly!

    As the prophecy predicted

    'Through repose - a dream - the King will be made to meditate'

    Under the circumstances and the fact that I received the love song from Frank Sinatra - and the word 'Signor' and Italian word - and a song from a man that was an Italian-American - it is certainly divine providence and included in the divine plan!

    It be interesting to watch it all unfold - after the American woman posted the information - Jesus also spoke today about those that cannot make amends for what they've done!

  2. Another message that I received from the Son of God was that sometimes people have to be broken before they can mend - and that is certainly true of America: I shared how Putin viewed that his people the Russians are more spiritual than America - and the response was interesting as Putin had summed up America as being like O'Hara in the film 'Gone with the Wind' and how they say that they will not go hungry: That is why we see so much hoarding in the USA - of both money - food - guns and ammunition etc:

    He spoke of how America became a powerful military force to ensure
    that the USA received preferential economic treatment as it built its empire: I found his comments to be frank and straight to the point - he was relaxed and being philosophical in respect of the past and he also spoke of Obama's use of Iran: However - Putin didn't mention the fact that the working people of the UK paid to build modern Iran and Germany after WW2: How many people in the UK know that is where there tax money went - not only to Iran and Germany but to other Islamic countries:

    Much of the money that was given to Islamic countries and states never saw the light of the hands of the people that the money was meant to help! Arafat and the leaders that came after him are perfect examples of the money that was stored! Hillary Clinton spoke in 2010 of how the 'USA is losing the information war' yet a lot of Americans still cite what America is dishing out!
