
Monday 13 April 2015

Blackbird Message 2015

Last week when I looked at the sun in England - I had to keep onlooking at it -  as it looked like the sun was coming out of another sun: I also saw the blackbird three times in just over a week:

First it was outside my kitchen window on the tree of pink blossom and then the next day I saw it again - this time I could see that it was close to my front door at the side of my kitchen window on the left:  Then there was the situation that followed it during the cherry blossom festival in the USA:

'Ornithomancy' – the ancient Greeks embraced that prophecies could be 'deduced from the behaviour of birds' and an American Christian and I have a great memory about when a bird came to visit him -and he asked what it meant: The explanation given to him at the time about the bird that came to him - turned out to be true - and in his case the bird had come to warn him about what was coming: The next thing we knew his wife had left him with their children: Now the scientific mindset that likes to say that everything is normal - could they have given the warning to that young American Christian  - I think not! 

To continue with my story about the blackbird - today I saw the blackbird again - it was on the wall to the left of me in the garden in front of the lounge window: It is rare for me to see a blackbird with a yellow beak - so it has been unusual to see it three times in a just over a week:

Blackbirds are male when their feathers are all black and the blackbird clearly as a message to deliver : The bird is associated with Archangel Auriel: Its cycle of power is the summer time - so summertime is near - and very warm temperatures are being predicted in the UK - in fact its looking like its going to be a hot summer:

Sweet - the black birds are monogamous so the message is also to do with monogamous relationships and they usually stay together for as long as they survive: The blackbird the bird of faithfulness and the male bird is also known to feed its young:

So it looks like the blackbird has made a nest close to me - and that is an excellent sign - and it is meant to be beneficial to the receiver of his presence: Author Ted Andrews also shares with us that the blackbird became associated with Saint Kevin - and the story goes that they nested in his hand: 

Saint Kevin was known for his tremendous gentleness and love: So again - the blackbird is associated with the saints - and biblically Elijah was fed by the birds - so a bird that likes to be close to the mystics!

As a totem it indicates that there will be new surprises and new energies migrating into my life - as the nest births the new birds! The new birth will come from this location - as the blackbird likes it in this place: He likes the blossom trees - he likes the berries and the fruit - he likes to be close to the feminine and to water - so I shall put a bird bath out for him tomorrow:

It feels like there are some new neighbors coming:

The name 'Bobbi Kristina' was received yesterday - and then the message about the dark skinned ones tonight: 'They are conscientious and they shall be known as the children of the sun'

Conscientious like the blackbird - our children of the sun!

7 “But ask the animals, and they will teach you,
or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you;
8 or speak to the earth, and it will teach you,
or let the fish in the sea inform you.

Job 12 

As Jesus said 'You can do with it grace'


Monday 13th April 2015 

Blackbird is flying fast

Monday was traditionally my day of rest when I was teaching at weekends and exhibiting! 

Nostradamus also gave a prophecy that mentions Diana 

Diana means heavenly and divine and it indicated a timeline

Diana our Queen of Hearts in this land of England 

The land of Joseph and Joseph coat of many colors also understood the birds

No coincidence then that healing animals is very popular in the UK 

Shall we see some conscientious pilots emerging from the English nest!

The prophecies predicted that people would have their own tree to sit under 

That mountains would become roads 

That the people would be shown new paths that they hadn't walked before 

The blackbird is the bird of faithfulness 

Trustful loyalty 

To those that were brought into my life 

To those that shared my home 

To those that I met socially 

To those that called for divine guidance 

To those that came to learn healing 

They were truly loved by yours truly 

Love beyond measure 

The teachings of the spiritually elect 

Take That 

Do it all for love

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