
Wednesday 18 March 2015


As I've written team LOVE can feel the incoming solar eclipse energies:

However while I was posting in the social network I was given the name of  'JULIA' and then the Spirit of love of Jesus encompassed my being and auric fields: The Beatles brought out a song called 'JULIA' and recently there was a dream with Paul McCartney in the dream:

The mother of John Lennon also had the name of 'Julia' and she passed when he was young - so it is more than likely that she has reincarnated:

Also today  - when I woke up I saw a man from the social network and I have seen and experienced his energy before - after that there was some fantastic news at home - from abroad and from a distance: Its been a triple day of good news - today:

So I will say to Julia let glory be to God the Father - and to his Son - until I receive any more news from or about Julia:

We knew that this was going to be a powerful solar eclipse and its starting to take off!

12 July 1751 — 8 April 1816

There have been various saints with the name of Julia and the feast days coming for those saints
include Julia Billiart on April 8 and that will be four days after the next lunar eclipse; then there is Julia of Corsica on May 22 - 22nd May is the anniversary of the harmonic epiphany and blessing of the sea of galilee in 2006!

It is written that there is no physical description of Julia of Corsica - and usually when I am shown to identify a person - a physical portrayal is shown to me either in a painting - vision or photograph - the likeness is usually a powerful physical match!

However - interesting that Julia of Corsica was linked with Tunisa and there has been an event at a museum in Tunisa: I only went to Tunisa once and I didn't like it at all - when you feel like that it is usually past life:

Julia Billiart was French in that life and passed over in Belgium -  its written that she experienced a 'shock' to do with her dad - and that caused some 'trauma' in her body which meant that she would pray and she would sew linens and laces and teach the village children around her bed:

I feel sure that we know who the reincarnation of this lady is - I see great optimism in the face of the woman in the painting - great knowing love - completeness and joyfulness in her heart! I see wisdom in her smile of mystical gnosis: She was known as 'Mother Julie' and 'Mother-General'

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