
Tuesday 31 March 2015

Dignity and Relationships

The question was posed for people to ponder upon - 'Can you leave a man with his dignity and can you leave a woman with hers':

'The greater the love that you are - the greater the causes that you are given'

These quotes are worth sharing and one is from Judaism and the other is from Buddhism:

'Human dignity is considered as Buddhahood in Mahayana Buddhism in which it is rooted in the idea that we are able to choose the path of self-perfection as a human being.'

"Let not human dignity be light in his eyes; for the respect due to man supersedes a negative rabbinical command" Medieval Jewish philosopher Maimonides

Few truly comprehend the importance of DIGNITY so exploration of the what it means - was shared from a soul retrieval therapists view: As a retrieval therapist its interesting what you discover about what people have to retrieve: When two people make love their souls entwine as one - and so it is when there is a parting - and how they part company - is incredibly important in the healing process!


Dignity has far reaching implications on a soul level - as healers know how memories concerning it - can impact on present and future life times - due to past life times that impact on the present!

A dear friend once spoke of it and she spoke of it in terms of 'self-respect': She was fully aware that some men find it hard to let go - and she spoke of how to make it possible that a man can accept a situation more easily - if he is left with his self-respect in tact! Of course the same goes for women!

Sometimes dignity can be impacted upon and we see that going on all over the world - for what dignity can there ever be in the nature of a war between nations!

What true self-respect or dignity does a nation have - if it allows its own people to live in poverty at the same time as spending a million pounds on a bronze statue of Gandhi: 

What dignity and self-respect does a police officer have - when they do the things that have been reported recently! 

In relationships if a couple are fair and true to each other in the beginning - it is usually the case that they are fair and true to each if and when it ends - so can that spread throughout life experience in this new era of this new golden age that began in 2003:

'Cost of Allegations and the 'Lasting Scar' is now being considered by teachers union due to the impact that it has had on individuals and their careers! I must admit that when I read the article it reminded me of what happened in Libya and Iraq!

Carl Jung was fully aware of the impact of the collective and so are the cutting edge scientists now: That is another reason why heartmath have been involved with Saudi - yet what sense does that make when Saudi are involved in Yemen in such a way! We are also aware that nations have group karma - and that can be another reason why souls are born in specific countries: However just as individual souls can work on the process of self-purification - so can groups and nations!

In my experience once a person has been successful at helping individuals - they are then moved on to work with groups - when they are successful in the healing process with groups - they are then moved on to work with individual nations!

Surely integrity is essential to dignity - and it is now being addressed in the UK - if we consider what happened in Libya and Iraq it also brings forth a reminder of it! 
(See 'Cost of Allegations - Lasting Scar' article from the BBC linked above)

In my humble view and experience - dignity is about the integrity of the consciousness: Although we are aware the children are born with different levels of self-esteem - due to when they are born - and what the soul chose to bring with it to heal this lifetime! 

Is Spirit dignified - I have to say absolutely a resounding YES!  
True Spirit is perfectly dignified: 

In 2000 I reconnected with someone who was working in a hospital and she read out ten case studies to me that were on her desk: Eight out of ten of those cases were in the health condition they were in due to what they had experienced in life - what had impacted on them and how they had responded to it:
So for instance a man whose family passed over in a fire - another had gone through a divorce - another was due to redundancy - and another was due to bankruptcy of his business etc

All of those situations had impacted on their dignity and in so doing their divinity: And a dear friend was impacted upon due to what his local council and police force did to him - it is written that they found him hanging on a tree - and we cannot bring that wonderful CEO with such a gentle heart back! 

All we  can do is remember the good times that we shared - in the time that was bestowed for sharing the magnanimous love: David and I had done some soul retrieval healing work (that took us both into a past life ) together in 2002 - and he was most impressed by what he experienced - at some point - I will share what he wrote for publication - I know that he would like that !

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