
Saturday 14 March 2015

As Above So Below

"Because of your father's God who helps you - because of the Almighty - who blesses you with blessings of the skies above - blessings of the deep springs below - blessings of the breast and womb" Genesis 49:25

In the Torah there is a different translation:

"By the hands of the Mighty One of Jacob - there; the Shepherd - the Rock of Israel - the God of your Father who helps you - And Shaddai who blesses you with blessings of heaven above - blessings of the deep that couches below - blessings of the breast and womb: The blessings of your father surpass the blessings of my ancestors: To the utmost bounds of the eternal hills - may they rest on the head of Joseph - on the brow of the elect of his brothers' Genesis 49:24-26

Hence the saying 'As above - So Below' and 2015 is the year of generous as spoken of in Matthew 20:15 - it also aligns with Proverbs 20:15 and the Jewel of the Lips!

Yesterday I could smell smoke so I looked at the news and there had been a fire on a roof at St Georges School at Weybridge - then later in the day the roof of a listed building was on fire at an Arts Centre and Theatre in Battersea! No coincidence then that this week I spread the paint of the 'cement trowel' that was given in a vision in 2010 - and it is archived on the previous blog in the Simpson's post: As we know Sam Simon passed over this week - the co-creator of the Simpson's

Last week in the public domain - I wrote of the South Pacific and today there is news of the cyclone Pam - and how the Islands in the South Pacific have been devastated by it: The Islands are featured in the  prophecies of Prophet Isaiah and I shared that prophecy in 2010:

Islanders must be prepared and ready for such realities - and that includes England - Wales - Scotland and Ireland!

Do the Islanders have enough rescue workers to assist the people when the inevitable happens: Pray tell me - are you ready for what is to come - are you ready for the ice caps melting - what preparations have you made - what have you done to prepare your children and their children: Did you understand the prophecies about this new millennium - did you understand their importance and how it is the shift of the ages:

Did you open your minds - eyes - ears and hearts to all of the possibilities: For it is for each and every one of you to take responsibility - and to help each other in your communities to be prepared:

Its no surprise that this song was released in 1992 when I arrived on the circuit - the galilee of the gentiles as predicted - it was then that we began to prepare the people for what was ahead!

The verse of the day is about mutual affection and how from mutual affection comes the love:

I have shared more information about the tobacco dream and the implications related to the author Terry Pratchett on the food blog due to the scientific aspects and studies that have been done - as tobacco is a leaf for healing the nations:

Did you know that there is nicotine in Aubergine - I do like Aubergine so have provided an Aubergine Passata recipe that is excellent for the prostate - an immunity booster and ideal for the condition that Terry had: Interesting that the USA and Australia have the highest incidence of it - and they also drink a lot of fizzy drinks out of cans and are high meat eaters!

Happy Birthday Mum - Pisces III - The Week of Dancers and Dreamers - there is also a heavy Mars conjunction - and Robert recommends that you look before you leap - as it indicates a 'volatile' planetary time: No coincidence that there is so much suspense over Putin!

Onwards and upwards everyone

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