
Sunday 8 March 2015

2015 Givers -v- Takers Dream

So I had a dream about a 20 pound note - and how a man spent three quarters of it without asking: The elderly white man was fit for his age - he had a beard and used a computer:

If the man had asked - he would have been given - alas he just took it - so that then brings forth the question -  is the feminine more generous than the masculine: Interesting that the word 'generous' comes up in a biblical verse in the book of Matthew with the numeric of this year 2015

Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money - Or are you envious because I am generous?


'In the proverbs a generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed' Proverbs 11:25 'But now as for what is inside you - be generous to the poor - and everything will be clean for you Luke 11:41

In the book of Deuteronomy it asks that people give generously - then the LORD your God will bless you in all your work and in  everything you put your hand to Deu 15:10 

The fact that in the dream the man took three-quarters of her money - indicates that there are financial plans to take from the feminine: We are approaching the end of a financial year at the end of March as we begin a new one in April: 

The dream indicates that the feminine are not having full access to what the feminine is entitled to - her own money - because man is taking three quarters of it! So instead of 20 pounds - she only has five pounds - thus restricting her ability to move!

In the dream Paul McCartney was in a hotel reception - and as we know Whitney Houston passed away in a hotel in America - just prior to an event for celebrities: After her passing the Houston family were in charge of the estate and the wife of Gary - the brother of Whitney refused to give Bobbi Kristina what she was asking for - an increased allowance!

There is a lot of people with an interest in that estate - its not just what exists now - its what the present and future holds!

Now see what the Houston and Brown family are doing - haven't they made that child suffer enough: He was asked to leave the hospital - he was left alone and and now they're complaining because Nick won't speak to Bobby Brown: Nick has already made it clear that Brown only saw Kristina a few times since the passing of her mother: Very busy man isn't he Bobby Brown - until it suits him:

What I see is a powerful celebrity family continually 'attacking' Nick Brown - and that began after the passing of Whitney Houston - the news articles confirm that they they were always on to him and were never happy about their relationship: Two children that grew up together in the same household - a young man that was a power of strength for both Kristina and her mother - yet this is how the Houston-Brown family treat Nick Gordon:

In dream interpretation to dream of a hotel and you were with people of the opposite sex - indicates a situation with the love life or a domestic situation: A celebrity was in the dream behind the counter - and so it can indicate what is going on in the love lives and domestic situations of the celebrities:

If you dream of a famous person it can indicate that help will come from an unexpected source and help was offered to Nick Gordon to appear on a TV show that is going to be aired on March 11 in the USA

Whitney Houston sang a song 'Jesus loves me' further confirmation of the 2015 verse and the help and support that comes:

In the dream I kept on asking Paul for my change - and eventually he gave me two coins: The two coins are also mentioned in the scripture when the woman gave her last two coins! Two is also the numeric of the lovers - two people that were seen in the recent photograph of the sun on the face of the woman - some have described what they can see as tears - although I can see a man and a woman!

In the photograph of the woman in the sun - there is also a child wearing a hat - in that video of Whitney there is also a child wearing a hat! Love is standing by -

Two of coins is a card of balance and balancing the finances - its a time when effort is required to balance and harmonize career and social affairs during 'unsteady' times for youth: 

Care is required in scheduling time and energy - as such it is a time that calls for your purest intention and utmost attention of the feminine as the child looks on at the progress that is being made! 

In England - David Cameron is talking about making the youth work for their 'unemployment' payment - however - they're also planning cuts in child benefit - only three children will receive payment: That will impact strongly on mothers that have more than three children - so it is clear that now the men plan to restrict the population growth - by impacting upon the financial situation of the women that give birth! 

If the 'unemployed' can work for 'unemployment' - then they can be given jobs with full contracts and holiday pay! 

In the dream I invited two women out for the lunch to discuss the solutions - as the woman involved in health on the left was much more optimistic than the woman on my right! I embrace miracles - and I still hope that there can be a miracle for Kristina and that she can receive full restitution and restoration to her former self - with her loving and giving heart that her mother treasured! 

However - the family must stop 'attacking' Nick Gordon - the man that Kristina loves - he must be with her - she must hear his voice and feel his touch!

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