
Thursday 26 February 2015

Sheepdog Dream

In this year of the sheep I have had a dream about a sheepdog: A friend came around with two dogs and another woman who is an accountant - there was a small older dog and a young English sheepdog puppy:

The sheepdog was as 'mad as a hatter' and it thought that it could do everything that the little dog could do - like jumping into the sink! The little old temple dog was not amused by the behavior of the puppy:

The sheepdog was this size in this video - so it was about 4-5 months old: The age where they have more legs than common sense - the accountant and I watched the puppy - as it tried to jump into the sink - and then it went straight on the floor! We both laughed at it and then the dream ended:

In dream interpretation to dream of dogs is usually a good omen and symbolizes friends - if the dog is friendly and affectionate it can indicate pleasurable and happy times with friends - a large dog can indicate protection: An old English puppy specifically - can indicate the English - and in this case it can  be indicative of youth and young people! 

The old temple dog originates from Tibet and is also a defender of that which is holy: The defender watched the young dog jump into the china sink - and then go onto the floor - so the action in the dream was to show us the difference between the two different sizes - two different ages and two different breeds! 

The puppy was still finding out what he could do - and what he couldn't do - due to the limitations of his size - I felt it was a male puppy in the dream: Puppies are also to do with communication - and dogs are powerful healers in Christian scriptures - and spiritual philosophy - these particular breeds - do bring such joyousness to people:

The dream can indicate that new birth is coming in your life - with someone that is younger than you:

It indicates that those people require guidance due to their youth and what they're doing! Its no coincidence that the sheepdog is two-toned with the color grey - and that which is to do with the color grey can be viewed in both publishing and film currently:

Sinks - floors and bathroom is to do with homes: There was an accountant in the dream that was laughing at the puppy and what it was doing: The age of the puppy could be important as far as a timing is concerned - giving us 4-5 months: 

In May - the fifth month - there will be an election in the UK - so make sure that you're not like the puppy - that tries to jump into the china sink - because people are watching you and what the youth do!  

In dream interpretation - we have to take all of the important aspects into account - and a sink can indicate that you could receive some 'unhappy' news concerning a friend - 'floors' can also indicate business activities - so whatever happens - it will impact on the youth - on the home and business: The friend brought the puppy that tried to jump into the sink - so it is very likely that the news could be to do with her reality! 

In the numerics we also had three women - and this is the second dream with the numeric of three: Three women that ran their own businesses - so self-employment is going to be brought to the fore during the next election - and what that self-employment co-created for the people involved:

For instance; some business people didn't invest in pensions for obvious reasons - some of us knew what the bankers and stock markets would do! During the lectures on the 'Millennium Prophecies' I was warning people in 90's about pensions and what would happen!

No coincidence then that Hebrews chapter 11 mentions the true followers of Jesus being 'destitute' due to what people do! Hence there is nearly a million people in the UK getting their food from food banks - while Elizabeth lives a life of luxury in Buckingham Palace: So is there a conspiracy against the poor in this country - you decide - the evidence in the Christian texts proves that there is!

Older people are reviewing their lives - where they've been - and what they would've have done differently - when they were young - if they'd known then - what they know now! Concerned for the children and their future - and the actions that they take unknowingly! What is important - is that wisdom is passed onto the children - so that they can comprehend all sides of the situation and can make wise decisions for themselves!

After resting - I was pondering on the different meanings and layers  of this dream - and Hashem said 'Mese' Mese can be found in Greek mythology - and it is about the three muses of the lyre - the lyre is also the third instrument in the revelation that was received by King David as featured in Psalm 92

In Hebrew 'mese' it is sometimes translated as sun - in Egyptian it can mean 'child' or 'son' - in the Coptic it can mean 'birth' - it can also mean 'messenger': Also in some cultures the sun was feminine and the moon was masculine:


Interesting that Joel 3 mentions the sun - moon and stars - and I've just read about the Brit awards and what happened to 'Madonna' in her black cape - funny that I had a visit from people wearing black capes earlier in the year - and then the American woman turns up on stage wearing one! 19th February - there was a post about 'Cape Town' as well !

1 comment:

  1. So Crystal Palace have thrown out the Chinese corporation and Boris Johnson that was backing the Chinese plan to rebuild Crystal Palace - funny that - before Crystal Palace burned down in 1936 there used to be the equivalent of Crufts held there: In the Pathe film of it you can see the old English sheepdogs - big smiles!
