
Thursday 19 February 2015

Noah to Shamanic Church

As we begin the new year of the 'sheep-ram-goat' a Christian mentioned how he viewed the symbology and I disagreed with him due to the teachings of Jesus that warned his followers about those that look like sheep -when in fact they are not:

An example given could be how the police went undercover - and got into the panties of the female animal rights activists: Its a known fact - that they even went so far as to marry some of the women and have children with them - Scotland Yard are now having to pay compensation to the women involved:

The 'sheep and the goats' can also be found in Hebrews 11 - when it discusses the poor that wore the skins: Hebrews 11 also mentions Noah - and I've been sharing the anthropology of the Church in Greece: How they wore goatskins and feathers - and painted the faces of those that were leaving the Church after mass:,_transformation_through_mask_and_music,_cultural_anthropology_eptachori

That made me laugh - as when I was a small child - I used to paint the faces of my parents with make-up when they were asleep - when they woke up they got a surprise:

In ancient Greece - it was an intense shamanic new year celebration - that included wearing bells and dancing to music in a trance like state - it is clear that there was a lot of drink involved: Biblically - Noah was known for his drinking and Noah' wife - Noria is recorded to have spoken of sexuality when she spoke of the gathering of the 'scattered energy' - via the male and female emissions:

Now didn't Jesus also drink - and didn't others frown upon what he drank when he was socializing:

We are fully aware that both men and women have prostate glands and male and female ejaculate: It is also known that women ejaculate before entry and during entry:

You can comprehend then that if a person's energy is 'scattered' then it can cease to be so in the energy of the power of making love with a person whose energy isn't scattered: How energy becomes 'scattered' is a whole subject in itself - although it often happens due to 'trauma' and that can happen when a body is operated upon - it can also happen due to a car crash etc

In the Apocryphal Book of Noria - Noah's legendary wife - it is quoted as written:

"must be gathered from the power in the bodies, through the male and female emissions."

"where Barbēro or Barbēlō is, the Mother of the Living" (Genesis 3:20).

Academics often view it terms of 'erotic bliss' and 'primordial spiritual unity' as written 'Mircea Eliade has compared these Borborite beliefs and practices involving Barbēlō to Tantric rituals and beliefs, noting that both systems have a common goal of attaining primordial spiritual unity through erotic bliss and the consumption of menses and semen."

However - from my perspective it was more about the healing of the people - and helping the people to gather up their energy - due to what had been done to the poor: It was about healing in the power of love and giving new breath of life: 

Remember Lazarus was licked all over by the dog in the power of the Spirit of love that the dog had for Lazarus - it helped him to heal: The same can happen for the bereaved and people that have experienced a traumatic relationship:

So its clearly not just about emissions or sexuality - its about love - and its Spirit that is imperative in the healing process of humanity: Like the reawakening of the man; that had been bereaved - and when touched with healing hands (he had all of his clothes on) a smile came back upon his face - he had erected again: I received the prayers of the saints and they did receive a response:

There was gnosis of the seven heavens and the throne of God that is beyond the seven heavens: 

The Qu'ran also speaks of the end of the seven heavens - as such - the Arabs must have had access to the ancient Copt and Aramaic texts that were held in the Alexandrian library:

They mention the Lote Tree - that marks the end of the seventh heaven - the boundary where no creation can pass - one could view that as the 'ring-pass-not' in spiritual philosophy: The Qu'ran also mentions the 'second descent' and you could view that in terms of prior to the second resurrection:

Jesus is really hot with me as I am writing this - so he is giving me confirmation to share it - in the past he has also spoken of the 'unsurpassed' and it was divine providence for the testimony for him - for who could speak of it truly - it had to be experienced with him and in his presence: 

'Near the Lote Tree where none may pass - Near it is the garden of the Abode - behold the Lote Tree was shrouded'  it is described as the domain of the pure and beautiful elevated souls: It is written that it is the manifestation of God - as I used to write - divine love in manifestation on the earth plane: 

The tree is still strong in the harshest of environments - and its a symbol of perseverance and nourishment:

Funny - they describe it as the afterlife and the utmost boundary of paradise

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