
Tuesday 17 February 2015

MAJE Message

After I had written about the Lovejoy Comet and the solar eruptions - I was taking a pie out of the oven and the LORD spoke and he said 'He's got the sack'. Although he didn't say who had got the sack.

Getting the sack can be to do with many different realities. Immediately we hear about someone getting the sack - we think of the work life.  However - one of the meanings of 'sack' is 'to destroy and take things during a war'. 

In the definitions of the word in the on-line dictionary - we find that the first definition listed is to do with a bag - and I had a dream about the 'solitary business man'. He was very concerned about the bags that had been given to the Russians.

The lovejoy comet has been associated with the numeric of 14 - and 14 is to do with Rev 14.

The solar eruptions were on the left in the direction of the North - and that indicates the liberals. In the UK - Lovejoy is the name of a TV series from the 80's - and its about an antique dealer and his adventures.

Interesting that there was one called 'Day of Reckoning' and in the program there was a riddle that includes the names William and George - they work out that Anne is in the middle of the two. The Queen Anne Coffee Pot!

The other name in it is Kate. The timing given in it was noon time - and that appears in biblical prophecy to do with Joseph and when Joseph was gifted.

They also mention the words of Jesus 'Let those that have the hears to hear - let them hear'. Hence there is biblical prophecy - names from the British monarchy - and the words of Jesus in the Lovejoy series; that equals Christians.

It is mainly the Christians that are supportive of the British monarchy - and it is the Christians that are at the rockface of the poor; due to them providing the food for the food banks.

In the dream about the independent business man - there were a lot of people on my left celebrating and happy. However - I didn't leave the entertainment venue with the liberals and laborites. Due to wisdom listening intently to what the 'solitary business man' had to say.

He was very concerned about the present and the future - and he was very concerned about the bags and presents that had been given away. He felt that the bags and presents should've been given to our own people.

In Hebrews 11 - it mentions that 'the world is not worthy of those that are 'destitute'' - it also mentions how they wore goatskins and sheepskins. No coincidence then - that in the 70's - Turkish people exported and traded in the skins in England. I wore both a goatskin and sheepskin. I still have a sheepskin in my wardrobe. Now we are approaching the new Chinese year of the 'Goat-Ram-Sheep' and its a nice warm coat for the Spring.

A friend also shared a dream that she had yesterday - and the upshot was that she had to wear her own shoes. That then reminds us of the slogan to buy British - that helped to raise up the UK during the Thatcher era. It was the men that ousted her - due to them supporting a federal Europe.

As I have written - all of the parties in the UK require the support of the business community. Although the chamber of commerce members are supporting staying in the EU. They seriously require their eyes being opened - with some truth about what the EU spend our money on. The UK doesn't have to be a member of the EU to trade with European countries. I was given some green lentils the other day - and they had come all the way from Canada. Why are we shipping lentils in from Canada.

We will just have to watch it unfold before us - and let the heaven and earth be our witness. Another lovely song from the Moshav Band.

He speaks again - and he speaks softly to me 'Maje' Maje can be found as an abbreviation - it stands for Master of Arts in Jewish Education. M.A.J.E.

What is the difference between the government of God and man's government - do you know.

What is the difference between the anointed and the Church of England - The Church speaks of the weather of politics - that the LORD said was the bane of our life. His anointed speak of the weather of love in the same way that Jesus Christ did.

The feminine have maternal feelings to get pregnant and give birth to a baby. It is to liberate the love of  the mother. When the mother puts the baby into the arms of its dad - his love is liberated when he holds the child tenderly on his heart. When his eyes are open and he looks into the eyes of the child - and the child beams love at him. How does he feel - he feels like he's been given the world. Children are from heaven and his children liberate his love.

Healing also liberates the love of the parents - when the children are ready to leave home. Then the liberated love of the parents is for all children - as we defend their human rights to be children. Then the liberated love of the parents is for God's will to be done to help humanity. The greater the love that you are - the greater are the causes.

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