
Sunday 1 February 2015

Katie Hopkins -v- Katie Price

Following on from the messages last night about the political 'Chaucer'  -  then 'URIEL' followed by the dream of the 'drag queen' when we were speaking kindly to each other. After seeing the 'drag queen' I was then shown the backside of a young woman. I am fully aware that the Superbowl is being held in America today.

However - I would like to concentrate on the focus on the UK and how Russell Brand has made a video on the case of 'Katie Hopkins -v- Katie Price' and the conclusions that Brand came to. For he being from the land of Joseph in a high profile position - he must be made aware that people are watching him and what he says. 

They're also judging him and the way that he communicates. What Russell must understand is that when he speaks in the public domain - he is a representative of our country and with that comes great responsibility to the children of this nation. To be honest it is not the first time that I have written that Russell should study communication and its impact. For his communication tells us a lot about him - and what he still has to heal deep within. The greater the love that you are - the greater the causes that you are given. 

On the 30th January 2015 - Russell Brand uploaded a video where his critical perspective of 'Katie Hopkins' was nothing more than an 'attack' on the features of her face and it included 'name calling'. Not everyone was born as beautiful as Russell hey - however - true beauty can only be found inside the heart of repose where wisdom resides. 

Brand declares that compassion should win in the case of Katie Price and her 'disabled' child and he stood against Katie Hopkins for highlighting the case on a reality TV show. So Brand took sides in the discussion and debate - who gave him the authority to judge Katie Hopkins for highlighting huge expense from the public purse. Especially as Katie Price had accepted the reality TV exposure for payment - and all that comes with that. Both women were paid to be on that show for the entertainment of the general public.

First let me say in that video the voice of Clegg sounds just like Cameron. The case in question is a tough one. As many mums of 'disabled' children have to stay at home to look after their children to care for them. So we have a situation whereby Katie Price chooses to work - and that is her free will choice.

However how wise is she going onto reality TV - when her position is surely vulnerable. At the same time as her financial position is in scrutiny due to payments from the public purse going towards paying for her child. Contracts and agents were clearly involved - and it is written that Katie is worth 45 million.

The question for compassionate action is - should the public purse be propping up wealthy career mums that spend their own money extravagantly - at the same time as having access to the public purse. In this case it is clear that the public purse - is actually contributing to the extravagant spending sprees of Katie Price. Thus Price has the freedom to spend her own money the way that she chooses - instead of spending her wealth on her 'disabled' son.

Breast enlargements - goodness gracious me - what else did she choose to spend her money on. Given the same opportunities what would you choose. Ask yourselves is Katies expenditure essential for the well-being of her child. I've taken into account the high costs of what is involved and the expenditure. Some of which is listed in this article.

Sorry Russell  - the judgement seat of the divine court - does not agree with you on this case and mean testing has been going on for a long time. The poor are 'mean tested' Russell - and surely there is a school closer to her home in Sussex. If there isn't then build one - Katie has 53 acres - plenty of land to give some for a school. 

If I was Katie and I had her wealth - what would I do. I would inspire a local group to come together to co-create a new holistic healing school for 'disabled children'. I would fund the group - so that my child could be with other local children close to home. To ensure that my child - did not have to travel back and forth from Sussex to London everyday in all that traffic. Its not just about the costs - its about the good health and well-being of the child.

I would provide and orchestrate the best holistic school for the local children that money could buy. I would then accept the government funding as a major contribution - for the payment of the costs and overheads for that school.

Wisdom would ensure that the school provided the very best return on investment - by helping to develop the natural talents of the children - in a compassionate and healthy way. It would be an important facility for children - not just for their education - but for the longevity of their health and well-being.

I would not - and cannot justify such huge expenditure from the public purse on a single child with a wealthy mother. While she carries on with her career at the expense of other 'disabled' children. All disabled children and their parents should be provided with the very best help and support available.

So Katie Price and Russell Brand let's see some REAL compassionate action happening in the local communities - at the same time as thinking globally - and what this means to people everywhere. Not just in the UK. Let's see more solutions Russell and enough of the chocolate - that's old news.

Children are given to us for a reason and they each have a purpose in life. Let's see if Katie Price can align with the divine plan of her soul - as a guardian of her child and become an ambassador for 'disabled children'. So she has a choice to nascent and make the right choice - her career first or the will of God first. What shall be her priority - her child or her career. Its time for the bigger picture - Katie and Russell - time to think global and be in action on a local level.

That is what real compassionate action is about. You see compassion is an active word. How compassionate were you Russell Brand to Katie Hopkins. Ponder upon it! For you have to be the change that you wish to see in the world. The greater the love that you are - the greater the causes are given to you. Now I am sure that the horses on Katies farm would agree.

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