
Saturday 21 February 2015

English Child Dream Alert

I've had another dream - it began as a very pleasant dream with lots of lovely people at what seemed like a lunch party: I recognized people in the dream and everyone was very well spoken:

We were in a large English house and it was during the day time - we were sharing where we had travelled and where we were going:

It felt like holiday time - like the lunch parties that happen at bank holidays in England countryside: During the dream I saw some young brown dogs that had their backs to me - and I was telling the smooth coated dogs to stop doing what they were doing:

Then I was talking to a lady with short blonde hair- she looked like a nurse that I knew from 32 years ago - a nurse that had taken a blood test while I was pregnant!

There was also a man that looked Indian that we were chatting with - Australia was mentioned and three years (after the dream I realized that the three years and Australia has been a recurring dream):

I asked the Indian looking man where he was from - and he gave the name of a village:

Clearly he had been born in England and was very well spoken and educated: It was all very gentile - like English cucumber sandwiches - scones with jam and clotted cream with tea or coffee: It was all very English country people:

Then I had moved from the conservatory lounge room and I was close to the kitchen - the man was serving through a hatch - or like over a counter - the ex-nurse and I was sitting next to each other - she was on my left - and I was close to the open doorway on the right:

Then all of a sudden a child came running in screaming - the child was young junior school age: The asian child was screaming due to being bitten by a dog: I was alarmed by what I saw - when I held the left arm of the child gently in my hands to examine it - the shirt and jumper of the child had been embedded into the skin of its body - due to the deep bite:

I called out to the child's dad: that the child must go to the hospital immediately for medical attention - he did not take any action: Then the dream ended while I was speaking to the child - and I kept on asking the child - 'Which dog bit you - which dog bit you' - then I saw a vision of a young alsation:

Then I woke up breathless - and this is the first time that I have woken up physically breathless from a dream: I know what this dream means - so be on alert these forthcoming holidays prior to the election in the UK:

In dream interpretation - to dream of a bite - indicates a situation that you would rather not know about or see happen: Going to any type of party predicts an event - and in this case what began in a pleasant way - did not finish pleasantly - the end of bank holidays are usually on a Monday! The next bank holiday in the UK will be the Easter holidays - and they begin in April:

I apologize for no full stop on my keyboard:


I have just found that an Indian singer has brought out a song with the name 'Breathless' and he looks just like the Indian man that I was speaking to in the dream: The song is 3 minutes long

This is the second dream in the last week - where I was in a carpeted room - that looked like it had a hatch type hole in the wall - for food and drink to go through!


  1. The Sikhs are feeding the homeless in the Strand in London City and it reminds me of a recent dream of an Indian man in an English house serving food and drink - compassionate action from the Sikhs!

    As Hashem said 'T'Zadikah

  2. It always make me sad when I read about cases like this - the young author and blogger had gone to a book fair:

    US-Bangladesh author and blogger
