
Monday 19 January 2015


In harmonic concordance with the divine plan - England moves forward with the JE SUIS JUIF campaign to wipe out the rise in 'anti-semitism' in the UK. Eric Pickles and Teresa May were amongst the people that held up their signs. Je Suis Juif means 'I am Jewish' and the signs were held up at a British Board of Deputies of British Jews event.

The Jewish people have a right to exist and Zion defends - that is why the LORD sent his flame of Joseph to Israel in 2006 and 2007. It fulfilled biblical prophecies that it would happen - and the Jewish people were happy to see me. The hospitality was wonderful.

What did I find in the UK - I found that anti-semitism' in the UK is much higher than one might think.

When I went to Friends House of the Quakers the warden recognized the healer. He started to talk to me - I responded to him by speaking about the cutting edge science that proves the teachings of Jesus are correct. In fact - a new branch of physics is predicted and the divine name was given for it.

After that a woman arrived and the first question she asked me was 'Are you a clairvoyant'. The second question she asked was 'Are you Jewish' I responded to both questions honestly. Yes - I am clairvoyant -  a professional.  Yes - I do have some Jewish blood running through my veins.

You see - I did not go to Amnesty to speak to them about some of my historical genetic inheritance - the blood in my veins - or about my spiritual abilities. I went to speak to Amnesty about justice and human rights. As the saying goes 'The last will be first and the first will be last' plus 'the (true) workers are few'.

Jesus the Son from the land of Jesse in Israel - do you stand against Israel and its Son.

The numeric of 20 was given in October - a 20 squared note was put into my right hand and my hand was closed around it. Then a retired neighbor gave me a 20 folded note in an oblong shape as a pillar. It was another reminder of the pillar and what was written upon it.

Again in January - another 20 - 20 pounds of coconut in the coconut dream. All three experiences had a financial content and that which was given.

Pounds sterling given three times. Clearly a message to do with the spiritual law for what you give comes back to you 30 - 60 or 100 times.

In the case of the flame of Joseph the numeric is a 1000 - for only one in a thousand could stand in integrity before Joseph. Exactly as the scrolls predicted. In addition wisdom gave the best return on investment - one became a thousand in the hands of daughter Zion. Daughter Jerusalem - the spiritual path - that which is narrow - all her paths are peace. The one that gets wisdom loves life - and the one that cherishes understanding will soon prosper.

Now read Psalm 20 for Zion does exist and she continually defends those that are required to be defended in perfect timing. As the LORD said 'AVIER' and it means 'Flying' in French.

The family of Jacob exists and Jacob is the fire - the family of Joseph exists and Joseph is the flame of magnanimous love. Two families that live on the land of Joseph - united in our hearts of miracles that manifested when we are together.

She found her when she was young - they manifested to help each other - the incarnations of the divine plan. Forever in my heart.

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