
Sunday 11 January 2015

Garden Locked - Song of Songs 4:12

In 2014 I was shown a vision of a man watching me painting in a garden. 

12 You are a garden locked up, my sister, my bride; you are a spring enclosed, a sealed fountain.

Song of Songs chapter 4.

2011 was a 4 year of perfect love - and in 2012 - I began to spread the paint. 

In the vision received in 2014 - I was picked up and taken into the house - our home. I did not see any walls around the garden as the commentary on 4:12 indicates. 

I must send this painting to London - as it was spread for some truly wonderful charitable and compassionate people.

Home is where the heart is. 

My heart is at home.

In the Song of Songs she called out for the north wind and the south wind. The north is the direction of healing - and the south wind is the direction of clairvoyants. 

In the Song of Songs the garden is locked due to the preciousness of the soul. When you can accept - that it is important that you remain in your spiritual garden and home - remain in your peacefulness - your sanctity -  life is easy. 

However - as I wrote - I saw so no walls in the huge garden - of course - the house had walls. He came to the garden to get her - because he required help - and only by removing her from her spiritual garden and paintings - could he receive the help that he required. He required the quality time together.

The verse of the day is thus: 

'Just as he who called you is holy - so be holy in all that you do. For it is written - Be holy - because I am holy' 1 Peter 1:15-16 I remember when the Spirit of Peter appeared before me in my bedroom for the very first time - he was very very tall - a lovely face and afro hair and he stood on my right in front of me as he spoke about healing. 

However - the calling was the calling of integrity for that which I had been told that I had been chosen for. So many years ago - so many journeys and missions since completed. Its no coincidence than that the prophecies spoke of David and integrity of heart. They called when they required help. 

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