
Wednesday 28 January 2015

Brian Fellows Mobile Phone Vision

When I woke up today I was shown a life experience of what builders did to the home - and how the home had been 'violated' by the builders. I was then shown a vision of a mobile phone - and there was a name on the phone. The number had been rung - but the phone line had been cut off - although the man's name appeared upon the phone. It was an unusual name 'Brian Felloww'.

I've just found that there is a 'Brian Fellows' in America. Brian Fellow's Safari Planet was a recurring sketch on Saturday Night Live. Wikipedia say it ran for ten years from 1999-2009. However - on Tracy Morgan's profile it says that 'Morgan joined the cast of the comedy series in 1996 - and performed as a regular until 2003. Returning to host it in March 2009 and reprised his roles as Brian Fellow and Astronaut Jones.'

In June 2014 - The Guardian reported that actor - comedian Tracy Morgan had been 'critically injured' in a 'serious car crash'.

After reading his full profile - its clear that Tracy Morgan has been known for his outlandish comments that include comments about 'gay' people - women and 'disabled' children. Sometimes - American comedians just go far to far across the boundaries of common decency -  purely for entertainment.

Do they ever consider the impact they've had on impressionable young minds and hearts. How communication is involved in the spiritual law of cause and effect. Apologies are great - but apologies do not bring back your health - and Tracy Morgan had serious health conditions prior to the crash.

He now finds himself in a position of 'disablement' and it is written that he is still receiving treatment for a 'traumatic brain injury'. The fact that I have been shown the 'Brian Fellows Mobile Phone Vision' tells me that he should not use a mobile phone under any circumstances due to the energy.

I looked to see if there was anything on 'ww' and it can be found as a 'charting pattern in finance'. Its called a 'Double Bottom'.

Of course the 'ww' can also relate to the fact that Tracy Morgan's lawyers are also suing Wal-Mart.

Brian Fellow -v- Wal-mart.

The 'Double Bottom'  reminds me of the dream when the man was 'wiggling his clothed bottom' at me.  That dream was received prior to G20 held in Australia - when people were on the beach with their bums in the air. They all think they're comedians don't they!

Then I looked to see if there was anything on mobile phones being cut off. At the beginning of January the Daily Telegraph featured an article on how the British government are planning to introduce a new law to enable them to legally cut off peoples mobile phones. The reason given is due to what certain 'Prisoners' are doing while on their phones.

However - why do they even have to have a law - all they have to do - is take the phones away - and give the phones to the 'prisoners' next of kin - or a person that the 'prisoner' would like to be the custodian of that phone.

It sounds to me that there is a lot more to this new law - and surely - it is 'contravention of human rights' of freedom of speech. Whether a person is allowed to use technology whilst they are in 'prison' is up for discussion. However - there is still the matter of the phone and its calls. Are they saying that the people 'imprisoned' will not even be able to call their families and children from a phone box. Or is it just a matter of the technology that is being utilized.

People are fully aware that with the new technology - people can use their phones for all kinds of communications - and for sure the phone has become a symbol of freedom. Although I did smile when the Israeli PM was critical to the journalists about their continued clicking at him.

It does make you wonder what kind of photographs are being taken in those 'prisons' - and what is being done with those photographs. This new law has far reaching implications in human rights. Basically - it will mean that they can cut off anyone's phones - and technology applications.


I've found another Brian Fellows and this one is in British Columbia - Canada.

Mr. Brian Fellows serves as Executive Vice President of Brookfield Lepage Johnson Controls. Mr. Fellows served as Senior Vice President of Operations at Brookfield Lepage Johnson Controls. Prior to taking on this role, he was responsible for WSI (Workplace Solutions Inc.), a BLJC subsidiary located in British Columbia. These responsibilities included the delivery of workplace management services to certain properties owned or operated by the government of British Columbia.

His address - and phone number is listed.


  1. Saturday Night Live is in the news. With the comediennes that will be appearing in the forthcoming 'Ghostbusters' film.

  2. There was a story on the BBC website of how the Brown horse didn't join the police force because the horse didn't like urban life: It is written that they were going to give the horse 'Brian' a new godlike name - if the horse had qualified: Good for the horse - horses are meant to live in the countryside:
