
Friday 5 December 2014

Unlocking Match Girls - Past Lives

While I was writing today - I saw an energetic dolphin arrive from my right in front of me. It went straight in front of the screen. A dolphin of joy.

Shall we unlock the 'Matchbox Girls' in connection with the 'Christmas of Judgement'. Its past life girls - its past lives. Victorian England when children were working down the mines - up the chimneys and on the streets. Remember Dickens and why he wrote about the children in the workhouses.  Charles Dickens was one of England's greatest defenders of the children. Have you ever been to his house - I went there many times when I was a child. I really liked being in his lovely house.

No surprise then that the Son of Joseph taught his daughter how to defend the children in debate. He prepared the flame of Joseph the best way that he knew how. He was a negotiator involved in industrial relations - and taught the flame of magnanimous power of love -  how to negotiate in the class room to defend the poor. Teach a child the right way and they will always remember it. Children certainly do learn what they live.

We did give the students a talking stick didn't we - and everyone had the opportunity to speak what was on their minds and hearts. Now its time for the unlocking of those past lives that has manifested in many different ways. The memories that they brought with them this lifetime to heal - so that they can manifest their potential to defend the children of the world.

This is the Christmas of judgement and the 20 squared note was wrapped in the radiant right hand. In America they are raising the banners and asking for the people to put their hands up. Did you put yours up in class.

Come on let's unlock it - what they did to you during the industrial revolution. Zion defends the cause of the 'oppressed' and past lives have an incredible impact on how your lives manifest. Until the time comes when you're ready to heal what it is that is standing in your way. Everyone has the potential to have radiant hands and co-create miracles. Did you heal the memories of your Victorian lifetime. I did and it was really interesting.

How the child was swept up and put into a home with people that adopted me like Belle was adopted in the film. I was a man in that lifetime - and the discoveries made were fascinating - especially when it came to the time to marry and status then stepped in to stop it. How the energy shifted from lifetime to lifetime - and how it impacted on the actions in this lifetime.

The Victorian lifetime was about self-esteem - equality and the freedom to choose the love of your life to marry. The love of two people that were not allowed to be together; due to the interference of others.

How often do we see that happen in relationships - how other people stand in the way of the power of love.  So it is the Christmas of judgement - also reminds us of Dickens and his book about Christmas.

Matchbox 20

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