
Friday 26 December 2014


Sparrow came joyously to visit me today - he flew to the branch outside my kitchen window - waited and looked to see if I could see him. When he saw me looking at him facing west - he turned around and flew east.

A blessed sparrow - its a long time since I've had a visit from a little sparrow.

The Keynote of Sparrow - Awakening and triumph of common nobility. Cycle - one year.

Author Ted Andrews - shares with us how the Sparrows are perky and assertive. It is a symbol of triumph after long-suffering - and its connection with Jesus is well known. He wrote that in Britain it has been a symbol of household divinities and the peasants.

Sparrow awakens a new sense of dignity and self-worth - amongst the people - helping you to triumph over outer circumstances. It is the assertion of will - to bring out the inherent dignity - so that it can sing in your life in a beautiful way.


In my life the sparrow touches me deeply this Boxing Day - as it is a connection with a person that has passed over. The best man (at the wedding) that loved me - and stayed in touch after he passed over.

Maybe he came today in his Spirit energy - because I was writing about London companies that we both worked for yesterday. Sparrow has touched my branch today - I feel truly blessed that the sparrow visitor arrived. It has really touched my heart. May your heart also be touched by the birds - their Spirit and the messages that they bring.

The Sparrow that I knew was a musician - a drummer and he was also a comedian. He used to do things - and you would think - oh no - what is he doing now!

The next that thing we knew - was that his bare bottom had smashed the photocopier before we could warn him not to do it. We laughed so much together - the things that he got up to - when we were young in London.

Yesterday I was sharing a job story from my youth.

While I was measuring up for a charity event at London Olympia - I met a man that offered me a job. It turned out that he was a director of a large company.

We chatted a lot and it came to light - that he had trained two of my former bosses.

He asked what I would like to do work wise - and after three intensive interviews - he offered a job that I was interested in accepting; working in television. Happy days of knowing the Sparrow brought back to my remembrance this Christmas. Love to you dear Angel - always in my heart.

Eastern Leaders

So what message did the sparrow bring today. Look - I come to you and sit on your branch - I looked at those in the West - turn around - go in the opposite direction - go East and everything will be fine - I show you to turn around. You have looked and you have seen - now turn around.

Interesting that the first business that I owned was in the East - then the next and the next.

I also had offices on the East side - and there we find the arts and the creatives beavering away. The East is also the direction of the teachers - and my son is training to become a teacher. He is asking me to return to the East. In the East is also the academics - the human rights lawyers and Sure Start - parents and children.  Maybe we shall move East in more ways than one. A move of home is definitely a possibility in 2015.

In the New Year of 2015 - an old friend and I do plan to get together - and she does live in the East. She said that she would send her husband to pick me up in the car - and we can spend some time together. I haven't seen her since the second mission to Israel - and it will be wonderful to see her and her husband again. She is one of the ladies that experienced a miracle - and she has known yours truly -  personally for 30 years.

The beach is also in the East and I do like the beach. So now I shall have some lunch.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear - another plane in the East - this time Indonesia.

    I did say before Christmas it was going be a very busy time for events and everyone better be ready for it. Cinderella hey - there is also news from Greece about the ferry. Did you see the Cinderella dream - did you see the post about Cinderella and her golden shoes that she bought in Greece. Where are the Copts and my golden shoes that fit my feet perfectly.

    Did you see the 'Seven Days' Poem about how some were buried - some were ferried - and some found universal love'.
