
Monday 22 December 2014

Seven Days Poem

Seven Days for the Nations 

One gospel writer said it was six days. 
Another gospel writer said it was eight days. 
Prophet Ezra predicted it would be seven days. 

Who was right as she watched them fight. 
For seven years. 
They were tight in her sight and might. 
Oh what a plight - nations like a kite.
In the winds of change that cause them pain.

The LORD said 'Do not refrain'. 
She did not waiver from the favor. 
Or the wisdom that had been bestowed. 

Many days and many nights. 
Many kites - some were buried and 
some were ferried. Some found 
universal love. 

Michael and the Prince of Persia 
we will always remember. 
The Prince of Greece and Omega.

As she sits with her people and 
listens to their hearts. 
She ponders on the days that it has been - 
since she saw what is in their eyes. 

People are turning to each other. 
Speaking the truth of their experiences. 
She listens tenderly to what they have to say
and what they had to pay. 

What she predicted is happening in every community. 
As the LORD said to America - 'Get organized'. 

She was working against time that was upon humanity. 
To do whatever she could and should. 
Standing upright righteously. 

Now she awaits the approach for surely it is coming.  
She did not come for the church - the church came for her. 

Syria has had a change of attitude. A change of heart. 
They've been given another chance. 
To make things right with God.

1 comment:

  1. First the Cinderella Dream and then the other day I posted about the golden shoes in Greece and the shop had given me a different size. How I asked the Prince of Greece to change the shoes and send them onto me. I righteous one never did receive her golden shoes that fitted perfectly.

    It wasn't about the cost - they only cost ten euros and on the 2nd April 2009 God spoke of the 'Tenner' after I received the vision of Obama as a 'monkey' just as North Korea speaks of him.

    In the seven days poem I mentioned how some were 'FERRIED'.

    There was the visit from the Sparrow about going East - the smell of commercial paint - the message about it going up upon the shore - then today I can smell medicals like you would smell in a chemist.
