
Saturday 27 December 2014

Hope As A Place

It was earlier in the year when Jesus spoke of the 'Groom' and I shared how I had groomed horses when I was a child. How it was divine providence that self-development facilitators also groom people for the spiritual path. Ensuring that people are ready for the spiritual experiences that they can encounter.

On Christmas eve I felt a tremendous sadness - this empath became very tearful so I shared what I was feeling about Christmas in days gone by. A Christian contacted me and we said that we would pray together.

I have just read the news and 'Groomsland' is featured. A young couple in East Sussex - Jan and Julia Tshabalala and the report says that neighbors said that they were a happy couple or so they seemed. A young couple left two children behind on Christmas morning in what is being described as a 'suicide pact'.

There is no mention of a note to explain the reasons why they would do such a thing. To do such a thing on Christmas morning - leaving two children on such a day - in such circumstances certainly pulls at your heartstrings. Two children bereaved - how will these children come to terms with what has happened during their lives.

What would co-create such circumstances for this young couple - just 30 and 33 years old. Why did they wish to leave the planet. Two children can certainly give a couple a lot of financial and emotional pressure and the way things are today in England - many young ones cannot see a bright future in front of them. This must be addressed as a matter of great urgency in England.

How people can survive - how people can prosper - people can find the meaning of their lives and their divine purpose for being.

It is often the case that souls will decide to leave the planet - if the human self doesn't seek its reason for being and existence. As I am writing this - I can smell paint. The kind of commercial paint that a person smells when you are decorating a room. It feels like this case is not clear cut - there is a lot more to the story than has been shared in the news.

The name Tshabalala is found in South Africa and football. In the picture of the young man he is wearing a football shirt. Of course we feel for the children - to family and friends - we send our condolences and love at this time.

The light of hope is essential for everyone.


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