
Thursday 25 December 2014


On the 3rd September 2014 the Lifeboat was posted with the Cushion Mandala painting that was gifted to a member of our community.

There has been news from him recently that he has been in hospital. At least we know that the Canadian is safe and sound - and the cushion of lifeboats were given. In the painting I see the palms and it reminds me of the ancient city in the desert of Syria - Palmyra.

Our Christmas day dedication in the UK is for a London helmsmen - the lifeboat again. A man that has set a record for the Royal National Lifeboats. Stan Todd has responded to over 1000 emergency calls and his nickname is 'Stormy Stan'. It is good to give honor to him on Christmas day.

Reading about the helmsman brought the memory of David forth. The beloved sailor in my heart - and so it is this Christmas day - is for the helmsmen. Its no coincidence then that the scriptures mention Jesus and the boat. Another painting of 2014 - the Jesus boat of rescue.

2014 began with rescue as the vision received in 2013 indicated. As such I shall call 2014 the 'Year of Rescue'. The seven year - the power of seven. In Ezra 6 it also mentions the seven days and days can indicate years in mysticism.

If you can rescue one person its like you've rescued the whole world. If you can rescue a nation how amazing is that. At the end of the day - you can only rescue those that wished to be rescued. You can only help those that wish to be helped. The spiritual law manifests - and those that gave of themselves are honored for their righteous deeds. For what you give comes back to you 30 - 60 - or 100 fold.

It some years ago now since I saw Michael and then a vision of a Buddhist singing bowl filled with porridge oats. It was followed with a vision of a child's gas mask that was worn in the last world war. I discovered that Nostradamus also received a vision of the 'gruel' and they found in his papers what he had written about a man of color and his thin build.

He was clearly writing about Obama. Hence - it is with great thanks to Russia for stepping into rescue Syria.  I read last night that a Jordanian warplane has been shot down over Syria. Stand strong Syria - stand strong. Stand strong brothers of the rescue - stand strong. Stand strong Sons of Light - stand strong. For truly there is divine intervention to rescue those that can be rescued.

1000 emergency calls and 1000 is a numeric associated with Joseph - so too the helmsman lives on the land of Joseph. The land where over 80000 people celebrated the life of Mary Seacole in the Victorian era. Mary told Florence that she was 'looking for the Hollander in the darkness' and I wondered if she found Joseph who had a Dutch Jewish heritage. The chut with many pitches in London town.

May peace be with you all.

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