
Thursday 11 December 2014

Crispin Bistro Cafe Dream

I was in a local shopping area and I walked into a cafe - in the cafe I saw my ex-brother in-law. He was really happy to see me - and he held my hand over the counter and smiled a lot while we were chatting.

Then his step-mother Wendy who had been cooking in the kitchen - came out of the kitchen - and stepped forward to welcome me. They were both wearing aprons - and she was also smiling and happy. It was a bistro type cafe and there was lots of brown in it. Brown tables - chairs - counter etc.

In dream interpretation to dream of people selling food - is a dream of contrary. It indicates luck to do with finances - and it can also indicate a happy family celebration.

To dream of cooking is one of the most fortunate dreams; whether someone else is cooking or you were doing the cooking yourself. It is a promise of material comfort in the near future. A dream of cooking broth or soup predicts a rise in position and power. I've been cooking lots of soups this year - and I've felt inspired and compelled to start a new food blog for 2015. The dream is confirmation that we are on track with the healing foods for humanity. The bread of the presence and the fruit of the dough.

I have had a dream dictionary since my son was born - and he often refers to it. I bought the book for 2.99  in WH Smiths. I looked at other dream books over the years. However - I found the dictionary compiled by Stearn Robinson and Tom Corbett to be the most accurate. Its called the 'Dreamers Dictionary'. It was first published in 1974 and my copy was published by Treasure Press in 1984.

So breakfast is on - and what was for winter breakfast today. Porridge oats with juice from half a lemon - a sprinkle of melon seeds for the magnesium and a little sugar for sweetening. I have to get some more honey and golden syrup when I can afford to go shopping again.

As we say in England 'We shall overcome'.

The Feast of Crispin

In the original speech he says 'Tomorrow is Saint Crispin's Day'.

That then reminds me of when Jesus spoke of 'Tomorrow'. 

In the post it mentions the intercession for the saints.

Tomorrow I have been invited for Christmas drinks at a friends house.

Interesting that the dream included a 'step-mother' and 'step-son' and that can also indicate the steps.

The wooden counter was very prominent in the dream and interesting with the holding hands across it. The wood between the past and the present - and the hands over it. To visit the people from the past - and hold their hands. They will be happy to see you. Shaking and holding hands can be a sign of reconciliation and renewed friendship. Clean hands can indicate satisfaction in life.

Crispin was running in his own business in the dream - and he did look satisfied. I nearly opened a Bistro Cafe once when my son was small - in a place that Crispin had photographed. However - life took me in a different direction at that time - I was in the office with my own business instead.

I was walking into a place that served food - the servers and towards the wood. My healing hand of love went across it - then there were happy smiles and faces from people that once knew me as a member of their family by marriage.

Crispin recognized me immediately that I spoke to him - he knew my voice.  I recognized the third son immediately that I saw him. He and his family were in my life - when I was making the crimson bed covering that is mentioned in the biblical prophecies about the noble woman of character.

As the LORD said 'They must hear your voice'.

The 11th December is the 'Day of Intensity'.  

1 comment:

  1. Some news about photography. People in England have been 'prosecuted' for taking photographs of a lorry fire on their mobile phones. How do know if the driver took the photograph or whether a passenger did. The police have offered a court hearing and all will be fined. So even if your car is stationary due to a fire on a motorway. It appears that you're still not allowed to use your mobile camera phone. It looks like they're not wishing for people to photograph events - and we know why - don't we.
