
Tuesday 23 December 2014


I was given a message 'Conche Shell' and I asked where - he replied - 'Panama'. 

I used to have a large conch shell in my bathroom prior to going to Australia. I don't remember who I gave it to when we sold everything in 1998. Actually - I think it might have been Linda who asked about it.  It just used to sit on the tiled side of the bath in the corner - in front of the pine wooden clad bathroom wall. 

Conch shells are also used in healing by sound healers - and I witnessed an incredible sound healing with the foremost sound healer in Europe - who used a conch shell and his voice. The elder Mikhail Baker who lives in Spain. 

It was that summer weekend that Mother Mary appeared before me and spoke for the very first time on a Reiki training course with Peter and the other practitioners.

The importance of the Conch Shell can be found in many cultures and in Buddhism it is one of the auspicious signs. It is a sign of power and authority - and it announces something important. You can often see the shells in ancient Christian artistic works - as true healers that live close to a coastline have always worked with shell energy.

It is particularly good to work with shells when giving Reiki - especially when they're fresh from the beach and filled with the vibration of the sea. I like to work with sea shells and some healers also made some shell essences. I always used to take shells with me on my training courses - just in case there was a person that required intensive and gentle vibrational work with the emotion that they were holding onto.

Shells are particularly good for working with the hearts of the people. As you have to be very gentle when working with hearts - due to what can come forth for healing. Small shells on the heart and our healing hands upon the shells - sending the energy to purify to aid the releasing.

What else did I have on my Reiki courses - a blue and white bowl of rice for prosperity and a vase of water filled with blessings. People were taught how to heal and bless the water that they drink.

Healing foods to share and discuss - food to heal and eat. There was always a candle alight throughout the two days and incense burning - the prayers of the saints. Of course the bodhisattva of compassion and mercy was with us sitting on a Lotus flower. A sacred space for healing - for receiving and giving in the sight of the LORD.

The sound of music to touch the soul and the divine meditations - divinely given. Every one of my students on the Reiki one courses were gifted with a pink rose quartz crystal heart - symbolic of the giving of my heart at the start of the training course. The spiritual law of giving that Jesus spoke about - what you give comes back to you 30 - 60 or 100 fold.

A majority of my students returned for their Reiki two. Especially those that had integrated the first training course. Some mentioned how impressed they were by the high quality of the standard - what they had been taught compared with their friends; who had attended training course with other teachers.

They were able to compare notes for their assessment - although they knew in their opened hearts who was true. Who put the real effort in to making their training courses the best they could be - filled with as much as possible in the time that we had together.

To help them with their spiritual journey that they had begun. Some who came were already experienced healers and teachers - some were novices. All shared in the joy together equally. All had something to receive and learn and little did they know - that wisdom gives the best return on investment. Their teacher of righteousness was wearing the seed pearl of great price.

Two days of preparation for what was ahead of them in the power of love. The students were given my purest intention and utmost attention - as each individual and their spiritual experiences on the course were honored. As the LORD God said 'By the time they find out what we have done - it will be to late for them to change it'.

Another dedication for Hanukah - go man go with the conch shells. Steve Turre - feast of lights.

So what's going on in Panama.

Reuters 30 minutes ago - China is backing Nicaragua for a canal to rival Panama. 

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