
Wednesday 12 November 2014


Unlocking the love can manifest in many different realities. So for instance, some people love research and researching. Research that provides facts to support the philosophy of a conspiracy, that is based upon sound reasoning. However, as Prophet Isaiah pointed out, not everything is a conspiracy, so a lot of people can do a lot of research, prior to hitting the jackpot.

When they hit the jackpot, what do they then do with it. Well most don't do anything with it, and it often becomes food for the birds, or the outcome of the poor man making a rich man richer. So all that effort what for, with some, it is for the sheer satisfaction they feel when doing it. Especially for the Americans.

The same goes for science, medical researchers and scientists do a huge amount of research, at huge cost in time and effort.  However, how much of it actually has any real application, of helping the people to live a healthy and peaceful life. So it comes back to intentions again, and where those intentions and motivations are coming from. So let us ask about the application of the love, that is unlocked.

The root is the access point, then where does the root of that tree take them. How deep do those roots go, how far and how wide. Or you could view it in a different way, the route and the direction that the research can take people in. What road are they on, where are they driving to, do they know.

It has been proven scientifically by Professor William Tiller that the outcome of clinical research can be impacted upon by the intentions of the researcher. Intention is that powerful. Hence, what do people choose to do with their power, to assist the nations to regain their freedom.

It reminds me of my days brainstorming with the creatives. A mass of different creative ideas would be discussed, and one of them would be considered worthy for development.

In some cases, wisdom would give her clients at least three different creative options, at the same time as making the recommendation, of what was best suited, and the sound business reason why. Clearly, wisdom had chosen that which had the most potential for success.

The same with David that shepherded them with integrity of heart. He made his choice. David and I worked together for many years and there was more than one David in my working life. Although there was only one David that had two sons, that I recall. As indicated in the biblical prophecies. David has been exalted and honored in the land of his birth on the planet.

Then it was up to the client to agree on the creative rationale, and business proposition to meet objectives.  In business, the client is served as they're paying the bill. In health and healing, our clients are given recommendations and proposals, of what would be most suited for that which is concerning them.

In some cases, the therapy or healing modality that a client asks for, is not always the best solution for a particular ailment. That's where integrity and the depth and breadth of experience comes in. Most recently I was asked for recommendations on a case of 'infertility'.

A lot can depend on their case history, and where the love has to be unlocked. When a person speaks, a spiritual psychologist that holds the keys given divinely, will know immediately where to begin.

It is the same when I see what people write, when people write, I can see exactly what is required to be unlocked. Wisdom has the keys for healing consciousness, to enable people to reach their full creative potential. This mandala was for a health practitioner to unlock her creative potential, so that she can truly write from her heart, about the depth and breadth of her experience, abilities, and talents.

What she has to offer creatively. It reminded me of the day that I first began to write professionally for clients. It was definitely a challenge that stretched my capabilities and natural talents. It took me beyond any comfort zones that I had at that time. In so doing, David and I were both successful, and our clients reached the potential, that was enabled with the creative solutions.

Launching products that became brand leaders with minimum budgets is quite a feat. Assisting a company to become market leader in Europe, was also satisfaction for the creatives. We certainly earned what we were paid as business consultants, that launched and implemented integrated campaigns.

The same can be said for the clients that received the miracles over the years with their health and healing. How powerful love can be, when you truly love what you do.

After one life cycle ends another begins.

Hence it was natural and organic, that the same wisdom that had been gained from life experience in the world of business, would be applied to working with individuals and their health. For wisdom, acumen and insight go hand in hand.

The pearl of great price, wisdom has the ability to unlock the potential of others, and in so doing, people become more healthy in their being, for their expressions of truth that is compelled by love.

What do you love, what is your passion.

I love serving God and his will for me, support is given from the sanctuary.

The other day I asked him what his will was for me now, and he replied, 'Its a done deal'.

Then I found it led right back to the meditation of the heart, Mary and Ireland.

Guarding what has been entrusted to my care. The American mother of a son spoke to me the other day, when I was concerned for her son. She simply arrived and said, 'My son is safe in your hands'.

In Ireland, is also the man that saved my life. A doctor that pioneered laser surgery, it would be great to send him the healing meditation of the heart, and share with him. I'm still alive. Such a blessed man is he.

I was covered in feathers after the operation, after the birth of my son. Ella's antique turquoise feather cape, and I had a dream of Ella recently. She had returned from France. It was during the timeline of wearing the feather cape, that I began to open up spiritually at a rapid pace. The treasure of the feathers will always remain in my heart, and now I get to spread the paint of feathers and gift them to others.

May the receivers of the feathers also be so blessed, as I have been to tell the real life story of the power of love; to overcome and be victorious.

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