
Wednesday 5 November 2014

Technology or Food 2014

Someone keeps on posting a patience song, so this is to give the people a righteous response in regard to the patience of a saint. At the beginning of the year, my son ordered a laser cartridge for me at a cost of nearly 20 pounds, so I could respond to the paperwork that had to be attended to. The cartridge never arrived, as such, documentation could not be responded to. I kept on asking him to get the ink, as he knows who he ordered it from.

20 pounds also reminds me of the recent dream of a woman in a white fur coat, she put a 20 pound note folded up into a square and closed my hand around it. She then said, 'Buy yourself something for Christmas'. So maybe I should buy myself some ink for christmas. Pen and ink!

Although a new warm jumper would be nice, as the one that I bought in the sale last winter to keep me warm, was taken from the clothes line.

That was the first new jumper I had bought for years, due to wisdom's fast, and it cost ten pounds reduced from 35.00. It went great with my riding pants. It was a chunky grey wool, with fur on the edge of the hood, and it was quilted inside. It was like wearing a wool jacket, it was so comfortable, and warm to wear.

Interesting that there is a Nostradamus prophecy about a woman in a fur coat, and it does mention the night. As Jesus predicted let your yes be yes, and your no, be no. In the dream, the woman with the blonde hair, in the white fur coat said, 'No' when I offered to go and see her.

However, little does she know, that by doing the job that she has done, she is serving daughter Zion's cause. People always have to pay in the end, whether they like it or not. It is a karmic contract with the divine, that the Aquarian water bearer agreed to pre-destination.

In January, 2014, a man cried out for help, and we managed to facilitate a financial miracle for the member of our community within 24 hours. After that, my computer was hacked, someone wasn't very happy, about wisdom with insight being involved in the intercession. Due to wisdom making intercession for the saints.

The man that had been helped was asked to tell the community the truth, of exactly what happened during those 24 hours, to give glory to the LORD and those that he sent.

After that the LORD gave a warning, that the man had 24 hours. He still didn't tell the world the truth. So then, an announcement was made in the birthday messages, and the people were told the truth about who made the intercession, and who provided the financial miracle, compelled by his merciful, loving and charitable heart. The LORD honors those that are charitable and righteous, he honors wisdom with insight.

That same young man in Holland, known as Ho Anu has sent charity for the computer to be fixed, as I can't use the scanner that he bought for yours truly either. I've been trying to contact Advent about the scanner. At this point, a reconditioned computer will probably be required, we will have to wait and see what our lovely technician says.

However, due to the speed of the internet connection. I can't access my email account, and emails are not leaving this location.

I had hoped to purchase the inversion therapy bed for my back, with a little of the money. Alas, I had no income, and I had to eat. Righteousness had to buy food first, to sustain the body.

This year my son started part-time college to obtain qualifications to enable him to train as a teacher. As such, he has no income. The paperwork mounted, and yet, I was not in a position to respond to it. Even if, and when I chose to.

The bills for energy and water, are higher than income, and now they say that they will cut off the services again. Just like they did to Michael in America, who is mentioned in the book of Daniel. The energy companies come up with figures and lump on whatever they can.

Last week a woman said to the sadhu, if you were living in India, you would go out with a bowl. Some of us in the community are fully aware how Westerners treated the sadhu, the 'Holy Beggar'. It tested the hearts of humanity, the depth of their compassionate action and mercy. It showed us the level that they were at in their consciousness.

It tested the hearts of the community, and who truly did love wisdom, her insights, and her integrity of heart. Those that truly love the feminine, take care of the finest pearls that Jesus spoke of. He gave a warning to the men in his community.

Jesus lived by example, and cared fully for Mary Magdalene, he was showing his male companions how he exalted the brilliance of Mary the aromatherapist, reflexologist, and healer.  How they must honor the feminine mystical healers as he was willing to do.

To hold the finest pearls as sacred in your hands, and be careful who you give them to. There are different types of pearls for different purposes.

'You are sacred and a treasure to behold. Count your blessings, as if you are counting gold'.

'The world is your oyster, and you are a pearl of wisdom sitting inside a shell of love'.

Sacred Words

Jesus spoke of the heavenly pearls and the book of Revelation speaks of them as being at the gates of New Jerusalem. The new holy city of enlightenment, that Prophet Isaiah predicted would come to be.

The angelic architects described in the Dead Sea Scrolls, arrived in perfect timing, did you. Did you arrive at ecological sustainability, and work towards achieving it.

The videos on New Jerusalem and some of the prophecies that exist in its respect, was provided by yours truly and a designer, Oannes in Holland. Did you distribute those videos far and wide. Or were you to busy watching, whatever you watch.

The LORD had his way of showing wisdom who was honorable, who was worthy, and who was not. He had his way of showing wisdom, on whom the judgement would be. Just as his Son had shared with his companions, if they do not welcome his healers, if they do not fund and help them, so that we can continue to help the poor, then judgment is upon all of those locations.

Jesus also shared with his companions, to take no money with you, that you will be clothed, given money, they would even be given shoes for their feet. Jesus sent out the healers as 'holy beggars', to find those that were worthy of them, and his spiritual community.

Hence, one became a thousand in the hand of wisdom on this land of Joseph.

There was also a prophecy that in this timeline, 'hearts would grow cold'. They certainly did. Its amazing how different people respond, when they're asked to make a contribution, to your years of selfless service of helping the less fortunate.

David Green knew how selfless that service had been, and so do many others, there have been a huge amount of witnesses; to the mission of compassion for the children.

Only the hearts truly filled with the power of love, are truly merciful. How many people reached the mercy gateway in their hearts. Hesed, the gateway of charity. The golden gate that opens magnificently, when people are charitable to the ones that the LORD sent.

I once wrote an article that was published in an Australian magazine. 'Compassionate Hearts Can Really Change the World'.

The last time that my services were cut off were in the summer of 2012. After that there were no more posts on the first five blogs and youtube channel. People were forewarned in advance, that if they did not contribute, then there would be no more posts and no more videos in those locations.  However, they remain as archives.

Now they ask, why I'm not making anymore videos, you have your response. Did you make a contribution, when the last 100 videos were made for you. The cosmos is not a one way street.

Nature, nurture, and environment.

After the computer was hacked. Those that had been receiving written information from wisdom for over a decade, could no longer receive information. People had become so accustomed to receiving information for free. How many truly integrated the teachings, that were being shared by this integrity of heart.

The amount of how much they honor the teacher and elders, shows us how much as been integrated. Be noble in holiness, as the LORD said, 'Aleinu'. It is our duty, it is our responsibility to give. If we do not give, who will. As Jesus said, 'Ergon', a cause greater than the self.

After services were returned in 2012, this blog came to be the following year in April 2013, when I was compelled to create it. In October 2014, another new blog was created that is the 7th, and specifically for the mandala artist spreading the paint, after the LORD spoke of the mandala artist. Again, the banner as been raised for the nations in another reality.

The 7th blog, plus youtube makes eight and eight relates to the 'Chet Visions'' received in 2010.

2015 will also be an eight year, and the first time yours truly was sent to Israel in 2006, was also an eight year.

Wisdom's fast is over, yet, it is not easy to move forward due to the internet connection being so slow in this location. My son says that the speed of the current internet connection, is the equivalent of 15 years ago.

Due to the sheer length of time it takes to load a page. The server is trying to get it sorted, and they said it would be sorted within 24 hours. Of course it isn't, it sounded like the call centre was in India.

With everything involved in technology, e.g. banking, payment of bills, on-line statements of accounts, internet access to people that you know etc. How can a person exist without the technology, to interact with the requirements of the modern world. Truly, Jesus and his sadhu companions didn't have this to contend with 2000 years ago.

The other night, a woman with brown-black fizzy hair appeared before me. She then tried to tie my hands together. I responded to her sharply, and she instantly disappeared. Hence, it is clear that there is still a woman that is trying to stop yours truly, and the LORD did give me her name afterwards. Her hair looked like she had a perm, that was growing out, or had grown out.

Even if you have the technology access, do you have enough money to pay for food, and the nutrition that your body requires. Not if your outgoings are more than your incomings, even if you live in a frugal way.

So spiritual people ask me to be patient, I have been patient beyond measure, while seeing the judgement upon the nations prior to it happening.


Now the 'Flying Pig Prophecy', received in 2010, is manifesting in America, and people are dying from what they called a 'virus'.  Some people would rather 'die' than change their ways. This week, I discovered that Nostradamus gave a 'Pig-man' prophecy.

There was a man in America that 'killed his wife', and he put a 'pig mask' on his wife, to cover her face after they were divorced. Clearly, confirming the timeline for America, the 'pig-men' and the 'famine plague' mentioned in the biblical prophecies. Do you remember the 'Pig' painting from 2013.

First there were the prophecies, then there was the warnings about the 'meat' given to America, then there was the painting as well.

One thing is for sure, that the millions of 'wild pigs' in America, that the press say are 'riddled with disease', some of them are 12 feet long. They can certainly drive out those that do not eat that 'pig meat' and those that do.

So how do we get 'flying pigs'.

It doesn't take rocket science to work that out, when there are so many 'mosquitos' in America, and they feed on the birds and the 'pigs'. Birds also feed on the 'carcasses of pigs'. Hence, whatever 'disease' is in the 'wild pigs', is flying to other locations. It simply doesn't bear thinking about does it, when people have 'died' in both Texas and Louisiana due to a 'virus'.

Did you know that there are over 500,000 of those 'wild pigs' in Louisiana, and there are millions running amok amongst the crops across America. What are you eating America, do you know!

Did you know that President Bush bought a 'pig farm'. I think we've got them, don't you!

Did you know that prophet Isaiah gave a prophecy that relates to what is happening in America. Do you know what Prophet Obadiah predicted about Esau and how it would become 'stubble'. America, the land of Esau was the 'attacker' that becomes 'stubble', Jacob is the fire, and Joseph is the flame of magnanimous love.

My heart and Spirit is strong, and sometimes I wonder how this single parent mother manages to retain and self-sustain resplendent peace in these circumstances. A person posted today that it is a lot of responsibility, it certainly is.

The timeline of choice, technology or food.

I can't add any pics to this blog post, due to the slowness of the internet capability at this point in time.

So if I stop posting on the new blogs, then you will know why.

Remember what the LORD asked for, he asked for a house, a housekeeper and secretary.

He also gave a message to America that they have to pay a dollar a day. $365 a year.

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