
Thursday 6 November 2014

'Pig Half-Man' Prophecy

It was in 2010 that I received the 'Flying Pig Prophecy'.

For years Americans were given the testimony of warning about the meat. Tonight, I was looking in the archives, and I found more words from the LORD, on Monday the 20th of February 2012, he said. 'Get ready for the boar, do not refrain, remember Abraham Lincoln'.

In 2013, I began receiving paintings of 'Pigs' and Nostradamus also provided a 'Pig Half-Man Prophecy'.


"They will think they have seen the Sun at night.
When they see the pig half-man:
Noise, song, battle, fighting in the sky perceived,
And one will hear brute beasts talking".

I just found this picture on the internet. As we know there are all sorts of things going on in the world with men and sexuality. Hence, the fact that someone has even put the effort into proposing such a reality, does not surprise me at all. I remember the news when a man had to marry the goat, due to what he had been doing with it.

And millions of pigs are running amok across the crops of America. Just in Louisiana there are 500,000. Did you know that President Bush bought a 'Pig Farm'.

Is it a conspiracy, it does make you wonder when there are biblical prophecies that speak of it. Prophet Isaiah gave a prophecy in respect of those that eat the 'Pigs', and for sure America as got a biblical sized plague, with monumental implications for the food chain.

Birds eat 'carcasses', mosquitos feed from birds and animals. Hence we get 'flying pigs', and people are literally dying in America. Some of what the Americans call 'Hogs' are 12 feet long, they're massive.

It certainly is a biblical plague to get rid of those that don't eat them, and those that do. Truly, who would wish to live in a country with a 'famine plague.' Perhaps thats what President Bush, his family and cronies had in mind. Have you done your research and how it all began.

Typical, see all those 'hogs', and he shoots a deer. Is it any wonder that Nostradamus refers to them as 'brute beasts'. The gentle deer defend the tree of life.

It is also written that St Francis of Assisi received a prophecy prior to his passing, that Jesus would send a 'destroyer' upon the Church. When Benedict was elected, Jesus spoke to yours truly, and of the election of Benedict, he said that it would be 'genocide for the Church'. It was published in the public domain at the time. 

In the KJV translation the word 'brute' is provided in translation twice. First in 2 Peter 2:12 and then in Jude 1:10. Then when I was writing about the 'Peter Pan and Ryan Prophecy', on this blog the other day, the LORD spoke and he said, 'Peter, Paul and Mary'.

No coincidence then the numeric of that verse is found in the gospel of Peter, and its relation to the message received in 2012, and prior to it. When I looked, Ron Paul was also born in the Chinese year of the 'Pig'.

So we're definitely in the timeline of these prophecies, and we all know what happened to Mary the ecological architect that was found hanging in the stable. Do you remember the Kennedy wife, what did she know!

Do you understand now, the importance of you growing your food inside your homes America. Do you comprehend the importance of New Jerusalem, and its Angelic Architects mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls. 

Funny weren't they, bringing out a man's aftershave with the name 'Brut', I never did like the smell of it, and now I know why.  'Brut' cologne is French, and was launched by Faberge, in 1964. In 1989, the company was taken over by Unilever. Their campaign, for 'Brut', 'Essence of Man'.

When I received the 'Flying Pigs' visions and messages I also wrote about the French. No surprise then that France has traditionally been a Catholic country, and that leads us right back to the Vatican, and President Bush and his 'Pig Farm'.

Wisdom did listen to some of the American men and women speaking on different chat lines, in addition to videos and conference calls. Yea, I even heard what some said, when they thought I had logged off the conference call.

Some of them did sound like what Nostradamus described. So what did they eat, did they become what they ate!

Some didn't wish to listen to the flame of Joseph, and the magnanimous power of love. Sometimes it was hard for wisdom to have a serious conversation with them, about really important matters that are happening in America. That includes American Christians involved in the truth movement. How's it going Chicago, are you having a righteous rant, 'technology or food'.

Have you read Proverbs 3, do you know who wisdom is, and that there are prophecies about wisdom in the Dead Sea Scrolls with a message that when wisdom comes, you must accept her corrections. The book of Revelation also spoke of wisdom with insight, and that this calls for a mind of wisdom. So who  is wisdom that gave the best return on investment as mentioned in the proverbs. Do you know her, for she is a person, a real one, with real breasts! 

Do you know what Prophet Obadiah said about the land of Esau, and Esau, it will become 'stubble'. 


Prophet Isaiah also predicted that they would be driven out by fire. I did ponder on the possibility that fire might be the only way to get rid of the 'hogs', and what they are carrying. In the Obadiah prophecy Jacob is the fire, and Joseph is the flame. However, then there is the birds, the 'mosquitos', and the rest of the food chain that has already been 'infected'.

Am I making myself clear enough!  Am I alarming you yet.

The testimony of warning gives you this alert.

Don't just go into the woods to shoot them. In recent days I've heard a real life story of how a man in the community went into the woods to help a local farmer. He says that he was 'bitten by a mosquito', and then he became very 'ill.' He's been in bed for weeks. He is fortunate, others are dying from it in Texas and Louisiana.

So if you go into the American woods, forests or crop fields, you better make sure, that you are completely covered up. 

Some have suggested creating a compound and enclosing the animals. However, the scientists can't find where they're breeding. The scientists have tried to track them with technology. The most recent documentary, of what is happening in Georgia and Texas, shares with us, that which they were tracking, went beyond the range of the technology placed upon it.

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