
Tuesday 11 November 2014

Moshe 'Blind Feet'

After I finished the previous post, the LORD spoke and he said, 'Blind Feet'. In the scripture who has 'blind feet', Moshe, he puts his foot right in it! He does love a mud pack. Numbers 10:31

"Moses said, 'Please do not leave us. You know where we should camp in the wilderness, and you can be our eyes'. Numbers 10:31

He does love a mud pack, and he puts his foot right in it.

I wasn't that keen on the 'Dead Sea', or the idea of 'rolling in mud'.

However, I loved being with the children in the swimming pool.

The disabled children that came from the orphanage, we splashed together, sung, swam and the children danced. There is a saying that with children you have to have eyes at the back of your head. Well, with adults you have to have eyes open in your feet, so that you know where you're walking.

'I was eyes for the blind and feet to the lame' Job 29:15

The singer Liel Kolet looks exactly the same as the singer in the Israel singer dream. Bless her heart, in the dream she was with another Israeli, and he did the sound and lights for her. He was also involved in refurbishment of the ancient stone floors, and they came to my location. In some of the dream, we were on a bus together, and we were going in the same direction. They must have been staying somewhere that I know.

There has been a lot to do with the numeric of 20 recently - in Psalm 20 we also find the word 'Sanctuary'.

'May he send you help from the Sanctuary, and grant you support from Zion' Psalm 20:2.

No coincidence then that the verse has the numeric of 22, a master number of Angels, charity and leadership. 

Now this I know: The LORD gives victory to his anointed. He answers him from his heavenly sanctuary, with the victorious power of his right hand. Psalm 20:26 

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