
Wednesday 19 November 2014

Migdal and Jerusalem

In the public domain the other day - righteousness was pursued again -  in response the LORD God said  'Vespar'.  I didn't post the message at the time - I waited to see what was going to unfold next.

I just let the person know that the LORD had told me who they are and what they do.

After that I was compelled to do a painting for a member of the CT community. It is a boat and it looks like an ancient boat like the one found at the Kibbutz Ginosar at the Galilee. I shared the painting and described what I felt about the painting.

After that - the videos of the story of the discovery of the boat was shared - including what I saw when I was delivered by an Israeli artist to the Kibbutz in May 2006.

There is certainly a lot of light in that museum where the ancient boat resides. The founder of the Kibbutz Ginosar also worked hard to bring all of the artists of Israel together. Both Arab and Jewish artists were inspired to tour Israel together - and they still do as far as I am aware.


The ancient boat then took us to the historic 'battle of Migdal' and it revealed the story of how the Romans set out to 'destroy' the Jewish people. In the website that features the boat - the story of 'Vespar' and his team of people is also described.

In addition - it reveals Jesus Ben Shafat - a magistrate in a civil court.

At the same time I received an email with a confession from an American that they had purposefully supported the second term of Obama. Knowing full well that Rev 13 indicated that Obama would not be given power for more than 42 months.

Those that know - also know that Obama did not have the majority of the people with him for a second term. Obama was not re-elected with true votes of the people. The evidence exists and is proven what they did to the voting machines. That is the nature of American reality - yet some of them have the audacity to stand against Israel.

In effect - what the American 'Vespar' team did is the equivalent of what happened at the 'battle of Migdal'. It is due to their past lives that still have to be resolved by healing them.

Americans supported Obama and the 'oppressors' instead of supporting daughter Zion that was sent to help them to gain their freedom from Obama - Rome and Islam.

In their support of Obama; they were actually supporting the Arab cause to take Jerusalem in Israel. It is clear to see who they are. As the people involved - stand against Israel just like the Romans did in ancient times at the 'battle of Migdal'.

Not much as changed as it - just like there were 'corpses' floating in the Galilee after the 'battle of Migdal' - so too there are 'corpses' in every city in America. The 'bloodbath' continues in the nation that Rome built to be 'destroyed' to fulfill the biblical prophecy about it.

What the Americans did has backfired upon America in more ways than one. America has a biblical plague of millions of 'pigs' running amok across the crops of the nation; it is flying in birds and 'mosquitos.'  impacting on the whole of the American food chain and its people.

Meat from America has been banned by 160 countries - it will also impact on their poultry and nut farming.

In addition - California as its third year of drought; it is the driest in 100 years - and now the farmers are pulling up the almond trees; due to the amount of water that they require. The numeric of 100 is also to do with the spiritual law of giving in the NT. What did you give America - what did you donate.

So what of Israel that Americans have also impacted upon; due to the support of Obama and the Muslim Arabs cause in Israel.


Now there is news that there has been a 'deadly attack' on a synagogue. Two Arabs killed four Rabbis and a police officer died of his wounds. In addition - seven people have been seriously wounded.

I did warn the spiritual Israelis - that when they stopped hearing from yours truly - that was the time to be very concerned. The fact of the matter is - that the Arab claim to Jerusalem is based upon their religion that says that their prophet went to Jerusalem. When in fact - the truth is that the prophet of Islam never stepped foot on the land of Israel.

For a prophet to even be considered valid for consideration in Israel. That prophet has to have walked the land of Israel. They have to be written in the records of Israel - then they have to get passed by the army of Israel. As it is written in the biblical law of the prophets. After that it has to be proven - that they have fulfilled the biblical prophecies that relate to said person in question. Of course they also have to have the correct name given to them at birth.

The prophet of Islam did not fulfill the criteria given by the Jewish prophets. It really is as simple as that. As such - the Muslim Arabs have 'no entitlement' to the ancient city of Jerusalem. The Muslim Arabs already have their city in Saudi Arabia from whence their prophet came.

If the Arabs truly followed the teachings of the Jewish prophets - they would have 'no entanglement' with Jerusalem in Israel.

I suggest they all read Amos 8.

In 2007 when I investigated the American CODE PINK - it was brought to light that the reason that they were supporting the Islamic Arab cause against Israel; was due to its members being 'afraid' of an Islamic 'war' happening on American soil. You see; Americans have supported war against other nations; it doesn't like it when it comes back upon its nation. Its too late America - you co-created it.

Remember what happened to 'Code Pink' when they went to Pakistan; they were lucky to get out of their alive.

What else has happened. NYC received a major storm and was hit by a wall of snow and now there is travel bans; and four people have passed over. A state of emergency in NYC - and the news report says that it is the 'worst in living memory'.

Snow America - remember the snow!

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