
Sunday 9 November 2014


Following on from the 'Double Fold 20' thread and the mention of the 4000 original texts that Michael M. Mauldin had inherited from university professors. One of his passions in anthropology - was discussing, citing papers, and books on 'slavery'.

So it is great pleasure and honor, that I can present to you -  a featured selection from the film BELLE.

A true story about a woman of mixed color, a woman in a unique position by having the opportunity to impact on the realm of England. It is an historical film and truly the bells are ringing for BELLE.

If there was ever a film to be aired in 'Black History Month' in the UK. Surely, it is this film of courage.

The story of Dido Belle who lived in Kenwood House, Hampstead.

Probably another reason why, a baby elephant is on top of the castle in the crest of Camden where I lived in the early years of my life. In fact, I nearly went to secondary school in Hampstead. It was my headmasters first choice. Aunt Adelaide also lived in Hampstead -  we used to go swimming, and walk in the park in Hampstead. Sophia and I, spent a lot of time walking there together.

However, the school in Hampstead were looking for pupils that could provide them with guaranteed academic results. Children that would go onto the best universities.  Hence, I was not accepted by the girls school in Hampstead due to the entrance test.

During my life, I also had flats in Hampstead - shared flats with other girls and fiance. It truly is a beautiful area of London with lots of parkland. Nature was always with me, and it was a wonderful area for Dido Belle to grow up.

When I became involved in antiques - I was compelled to collect Victorian engravings of children. The soul communicates with you in many different ways to reach you - to show you what you're being asked to look at.

NON SIBI SED TOTI' = Not for self but for all.

Her profile states that her last known descendent, her great-great-grandson, Harold Davinier, died in South Africa in 1975. Without having any children.

England was blessed - the land of Joseph was blessed.

Interesting that prior to this film being on the screen.

It had been written by Lotus Feet in the public domain - 'I am the evidence'. 

Glory be to God 

Michael said that he didn't have any children either, nor did he marry. Although he did speak of women that he had loved during his life. He wrote of how, they had all passed over, prior to him being attracted to the one known as Lotus Feet. Michael used to say, 'You are the one'.

Michael saw the light!

Just as I've seen the light, appear before me - in front of me, on the left. Just now.

The light is on! 

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