
Sunday 16 November 2014

Almonds, Rains and Floods

Drought in California,(the driest for 100 years they say) and it is written they're tearing up the almond trees; due to the amount of water that they require. There is a biblical prophecy about when the almond blossomed, and it relates to the blossoming of the perfected love in spirituality. Light pink blossoms.

I received a message a long time ago, the message was, 'He will come when the blossom is flying off the trees'. Afterwards, I was leaving a house party, and I noticed that the blossom was as the message had been given, as I saw the pink blossom flying in the gentle wind, a man was with me at my side. 

Can you see a koala in the nut of that painting, in the almond shape or is it a woman. No coincidence that it is the anniversary of the passing of Omega. And that I have received divine messages for a person with a nut name, leading up to G20, and his grandfathers birthday. 

California has been a major exporter of almonds, and the people have been praying for rain. No wonder I keep on receiving the prayers of the saints. However, one of the issues in America is that they experience what is known as 'acid rain'. That could account for some of the Americanisms couldn't it.
I will have to re-do this painting now I have some white, to create the light pink that I saw in the vision of it, when it was received.

Biblically, and in the spiritual law, drought is also about the will of God and the divine plan. Surely, there is a drought of it in California. It has been proven by geologists that there was a time in history that there was no rain for 200 years. Eventually, a civilization was wiped out due to it. As we know, the crops require both the sunshine and water to grow.

In Italy and France there is plenty of a rain. A different continent, Italy and France are experiencing major floods. Flooding can also be biblical, just like when the floods came during the time of Noah. In the prophecies of Jesus, he predicted that when the 'Son of Man' came, there would be floods like in the time of Noah.  The term 'Son of Man', is a term of endearment for a prophet. As Prophet Daniel and Prophet Ezekiel were also called 'Son of Man'. 

Geza Vermes and other renowned biblical scholars agreed that when Jesus spoke of the 'Son of Man' to come, he was not speaking of himself. The Essene Gospel of Peace also supports this fact. The biblical text mentions the 'gospel of peace', so where is that book in the bible. Scholars are also aware that books were removed after the interrogation of Origen and scholarly works. No surprise then that Italy and France are flooding. As they were originally Catholic countries that worked together, and clearly, they still do. Nostradamus had a lot to say about France, the Church and Islam.



I also noticed today, that the Blue Cross insurance for medicare in the USA, is not supporting Catholic health facilities.

Do you have almond shaped eyes, like the almond.

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