
Tuesday 11 November 2014

Academic Russell Gray

The academics do make me laugh. Their response to what humanity faces.

"When life is tough or when it's uncertain, people believe in big gods," noted Russell Gray in a statement. He's a professor at the University of Auckland and a founding director of the Max Planck Institute for History and the Sciences in Jena, Germany. "Prosocial behavior maybe helps people do well in harsh or unpredictable environments," he says.

From the research review, I recommend that Russell Gray and the other academics take into account the  prophecies that were given prior to, and what happened afterwards. Most people are intelligent and come to know truth through their experience of it. Of course, what do academics know about the knowers, mystics and clairvoyants. Even the ancient cave paintings were giving prophecies and predictions about what was going to happen.

Of course, Russell Gray doesn't give any explanation of why the rain stopped for 200 years, or why there is a biblical plague of 'wild hogs' running amok in America, co-creating monumental implications for the food chain. Nor does he take into account, that America were warned from 2008 onwards about the 'meat' on its land, and that the 'Flying Pig' prophecy was given in 2010.

Why didn't Russell Gray examine all the prophecies and predictions that were given to humanity prior to their fulfillment. Well he might just have to change his views, about existence, including his own.

See, that's what happens when you have divine experiences, it changes you, and the way that you view yourself and existence.

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