
Wednesday 1 October 2014


News is that Obama has sent 'Ironhorse' tanks to 3 Baltic states and Poland. Someone better tell Obama that it is the year of the wooden horse, and we know what happens in those years. 

I did wonder why the military have a mess, maybe I've got one to match them. Big smiles! 

In the meantime, of the green cross timeline, Mashiach Bodhisattva is unlocking the wood. 

My good news: the lovely holistic dentist at the prosperity gate, is sending me to London, for the dental treatment. I am happy about the choice that has been made. Salvation is at the gates of daughter Zion.

I have been gifted, a miracle, and it is enabling yours truly to order the 'Inversion Therapy Table', so that I can use it daily to improve my back and alignment of it.

The last skype message to the chiropractor, was sharing the message of Jesus, 'Feet Over Head'. His words are profound, and I view his words in different ways, I can see the layers of what he says, and why he says it.

When I was young, I used to do exercise, putting my feet over head, of course, it stretches the back naturally. I also used to do handstands, I liked gymnastics from a baby.

The charitable gifting from Holland, is enabling the technology issue to be resolved as well. So if I don't post for awhile, know that the computer is with the technician. He will decide whether this computer is worth saving, or whether it has to be replaced.

I'm in-line for six reflexology treatments, and I also hope to have an aromatherapy massage treatment as well. Hence, more magnanimous love, body work is required.

Diet at the moment, includes a lot of oily fish and cheese. A treat of some salmon (good brain food) that was reduced, in addition to a little smoked salmon. Smoked mackerel, makes great sandwiches. I also like home made smoked mackerel pate on toast.

Smoothie this week is coconut, banana and pineapple. It also has apple in it. Fruit for this week is banana, plums that are good for your eyes, and nectarines are excellent for Vit C.

A wonderful avocado, just love them. Ever seen the pip go hard like wood.

Veg, sweet potato, kale, and carrots. Clearly, body intuition is asking for Vit A.

Still have some aubergine as well, love healthy aubergine, it goes great with hot beetroot. Nearly out of palm oil, and bought some olive oil, I like it on my salad and cook with olive oil. As Elijah said, make sure that you have plenty of flour and oil.

Jesus also spoke of 60lbs of flour. Did you sieve the flour in heaven, foods for healing are heavenly. My flour seems to last forever, I never was a baker. I'm smiling now, as I am being reminded about the yorkshire puddings. Now how many guys can make yorkshire pudding for yours truly. You have to have, plenty of flour for the yorkshire pudding maker. I wonder, does he whip it fast by hand, or put it in the mixer. Sounded like, he makes it by hand.

The Tao peach that Jesus called Lotus Feet.


My son bought some paint to decorate my bedroom, rose pink. That reminds me of the energy that I saw in my bedroom, it was like pink trails of love from a plane, beautiful.

Its wonderful being able to see beyond the veil.

While I am sorting out the bedroom and having a clear out, prior to the painting, then I will have the portfolio case for my paintings. So we are on the move, with the unlocking, and we are making progress.

I might even get a new color for my hair, maybe I shall go Christmas red, for Christmas.

New directions, yea! Divine guidance, new directions.

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