
Sunday 19 October 2014

RIP Dr Emoto

I read today that Dr Emoto has passed over and it being the same month as David's passing, it feels like the end of an era. David shepherded them with integrity of heart, and integrity of heart supported and shared Dr Emoto's work with the world. It was a righteous wind that honored Dr Emoto and he was truly blessed, just as we were truly blessed that Dr Emoto could share with us all. 

Dr Emoto''s profile says that he was 71 years old and he passed on the 17th. The 17th of October, is the 'Day of Precarious balance', and that reminds me of the 'Water Mole' dream, and the young man that was sitting in the directors chair. In the dream the word, 'death' was mentioned.


I feel a tremendous peace in the silence while writing this for Dr Emoto. Such beauty surrounds him, he is surrounded in lotus blossoms,, and birds gently singing to the sound of wind chimes. The love is pouring out for a man that was so loved by so many. You are loved Dr Emoto, you are so loved. 

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