
Wednesday 22 October 2014

Mother of Mothers Solar Eclipse

Following on from the dream this morning, the partial solar eclipse has begun. The mother of mothers, that taught other mothers; how to be mothers. The water pours from Zion. Ladies and gentlemen please sit down. North America is going into further 'decline' in the next two years. I keep on being given the date 2016, 2016.

This eclipse comes in the astrological week of the 'Cusp of Drama and Criticism'. It comes on the 'Day of Conflict', and it can be seen over North America on the 23rd October.

However, the solar eclipse energies have already begun as the 'shooting' and 'lockdown' in the Canadian parliament signify. As the LORD said, 'Too many costings'. The Canada 'lockdown' reminds me of the Brad Pitt dream this morning, and the launch of his new 'wardaddy' film, 'Fury'.

I also had an earlier dream at dawn in an American Apartment building, in a building like you would see in the films of New York, Manhattan, and the dream was about romance.

North America has had a romance with itself for decades, and now the birds are afraid of its consequences that are impacting on themselves, and other nations.

The birds are crying to the mother of mothers for help, as the flock know that she hears the sounds of the world.

So what more do we have on the partial solar eclipse. Oh Ottawa, it reminds me of the 'Water Mole' dream. 'I will not save you'. However, I do like the Otter's. In fact, I have a female cousin in Canada, when she came to London to see her mother, I took her to the theatre, enjoy the show!

So what's the cosmic story about this solar eclipse, its a Scorpio new moon, a North American view of the purging that is happening.

I had a dream of a Scorpion earlier in the year, and I flicked it off my finger, when it tried to hold onto it with its pincers. Scorpio is a very intense sign, and they express themselves through their sexuality. That's how they express their power, that's how they express their tenderness, that is when they feel safe, in the arms of a lover. However, biblically, the Scorpion has a different meaning. Hence, what happened today in Canada.

Scorpio's love to be 'adored', and that's something else that can 'unlocked', due to it often relating to their childhoods, and their relationships with their mothers. So no surprise that in the dream at dawn, it was about romance. Mothers impact on their children, and if a mother adores her child, her child does not look for adoration in a relationship, friendships or the community.

So for instance,  I adored my son, everyday he knew that he was adored and loved deeply by his mother. As such, he does not seek a relationship with a woman to adore him, nor does he hold onto those he has loved, he lives in the power of love that he is. Another Aquarian water bearer like his mother, heart strong, and sensitive.

Romance can be the catalyst for great change in your life, if you allow it to be, it can show you what requires purging in your life. Do you listen to your dreams, did your mother, what did your mother teach you about dreamtime. If and when my son has a dream, since a teenager, he would look at the meaning of it himself.

Scorpio new moon is deep, really really deep. Scorpios are not usually willing to be open enough for Aquarians, and they certainly require 'unlocking'. 'Unlocking of the Water Signs' is a good one for this eclipse, and I did receive a golden fish mandala this week. The golden fish with white tails are in a crystal clear turquoise water, surrounded by the earthen colors of the autumn leaves and lotus flowers.

What Saros number is this eclipse. Its a Saros 153. 1+5+3 = 9 = Completion and divine love. Its also the 9th in this series of eclipses. The last one was on October 12, 1996, and that was a great year for yours truly. Hence, lots of situations and relationships will end during this partial solar eclipse. As more and more are reviewing where they will be at the end of the year, who with, and where.

It does connect people with the right partnerships for growth and development, so you can anticipate a lot happening in that area. Wisdom's call for decorum, the righteous fast from materialism, the honor of the sacred mother of mothers, and the exaltation of her children.

Its also the Diwali festival of light and the musicians sing, remember Shakti, Lotus Feet, remember Shakti.  Flowers in her hair and bells on her feet in her hippy days, flower power blessed ones, flower power, the natural cures of nature to help humanity to heal. The leaves are for healing the nations.

Remember the leaves that were offered to the American woman for the children, and how the American mother responded to what she was offered freely.

Remember the peacemaker, and the meditators. What happened to them, so many of the truly feminine left the old realities behind. So many mothers were transformed, and didn't embrace those that had been conformed. So it is the sacred mothers, celebrate, we did it in the power of love beyond measure. We did it with the holy Spirit. Yours truly dedicated the meditation of the heart to you.

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