
Sunday 26 October 2014

Message Tomorrow

I was pondering on mothers and their children, mother of mothers, and the opportunities.

The 'Aleinu', the duty and commitment to doing the will of God.

Then the Lute of Lovingkindness drew close to me, and he said, 'Tomorrow'. That reminds me of the song of the child singing 'Tomorrow' in the film Annie.



And little Kim in Korea, brings tears of joy to your eyes. She is also wearing an interesting numeric.

Ten of the month of October, new cycle of time. 9 for divine love and completion.

22 the master number of the divine feminine, Angels, leadership and charity.


I am such a big softy where children are concerned. We have to write the script for the children.

That little Korean girl reminds me of this painting, with the sound of music in the background.

Tomorrow is Monday, and in my reality, Monday was my day of rest, when I was giving spiritual training to those that were brought. Equipping the healers in righteousness of the spiritual law, for what is ahead, the power of love was showered upon them.

October is also 'Black History Month', in the UK, and tomorrow half term begins.

In the Jewish history calendar it is the celebration of a Rabbi, that was born in Russia, and it is written that he passed over in Austria. Hence, there are lots of different realities that relate to 'Tomorrow'.

I do love the sunshine of tomorrow, and today I heard the fireworks going off again on my left. Jack Bruce is certainly being sent off with the fireworks in the solar eclipse energies.

Jesus said, 'Shakti'. He also said, The samurai are ready'.

'He that searches the heart know, what is the mind of the Spirit, Because She makes intercessions for the saints, according to the will of God'.

Is that where it begins, with the singing child, that would be wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. Jesus was correct. News arrived today, Monday. From an organic farm in main land Europe.
