
Wednesday 8 October 2014

Marion Meadows for the TOTAL lunar eclipse

As the rain pours outside, the winds are all powerful and the oceans roar with the total lunar eclipse. Lets have some lovely Marion Meadows sound, to wrap us in a cuddle of the jazz music. Marion has such a beautiful energy that comes through the creativity of his music. His website says he is coming to England in 2015. May it be a wonderful tour for Marion Meadows, he deserves it, a real musician.

As the LORD said, 'Your love is as deep as an ocean, and as tall as a tree'.


For the graceful hearts, love beyond measure.

Righteous renewal

"The next two total lunar eclipses will be on April 4 and September 28 of next year. The last time a tetrad took place was in 2003-2004, with the next predicted for 2032-2033. In total, the 21st century will see eight tetrads. (AFP)".

2003, was the year of the first harmonic concordance when spiritual people united around the world, just as the biblical prophecies predicted that the elect would. I was sent to Florence in Italy to bless the river Arno with harmonic epiphany with the Italians, and an Israeli author and healer.

2004, it was the second harmonic concordance, and two of us were sent to Norfolk, in England. Harmonic epiphany again, lovely, peaceful energy. Wisdom the best return on investment, a tree of life and all her paths are peace. Proverbs 3.

Today, I am going to have a 'Funky Joint' day, listening to Jazz music. A day of exercising, and stretching these joints, a day for space clearing, and just being funky.

I can smell smoke as I am writing this, and a lot is going up in smoke. No requirement for looking at the news, we know what is happening on the planet. Did you comprehend the numerics of the spiritual law Canada. Did you accept the prophecy about the trains, and the one that delivered it.

Wisdom knows who cares about the planet, and who doesn't. We know who is righteous, and who is not. We know who put the effort in, who did their utmost to wake humanity up. 

Wisdom knows, who loved beyond measure, and who understood. Who was willing to be corrected, who was willing to give beyond measure. Who was willing to be compassionate and merciful, who was compelled by their hearts to love righteousness, and its spiritual law. 

''The one that gets wisdom loves life, the one that cherishes understanding will soon prosper". 

1 comment:

  1. Last night I did predict that another plane was going down and earlier today, I wrote on this blog post that I could smell smoke. News is that another USAF jet has gone down in a meadow close to a school in Lincolnshire. As you can see from the pic, it was on fire.
